Chapter 18

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I wake up to find myself locked down on the table in my Uncles office. I lay there unable to move for a while as I try to gather my thoughts, I don't know what they gave me but my thoughts are all over the place and very incoherant. "Perfect you're awake, so we have three lovely surprises for you! The first one is you have lice! So you'll have to go through lice procedure, secondly, you are losing control of your limbs or in other words your limbs are violently jerking and thrashing! Of course that is not everything but you're little brain wouldn't understand it anyways! So this means your getting a new medication and addition to your outfit! Finally we have decided that you have been a bit too chaotic today and caused too much trouble, so you're going for electro-shock therapy. So first things first, you're going to the wet room to be washed and go through lice procedure, then electro therapy, then you'll be given your lovely new addition, we just need to alter it to go ok with your brace which has to come off for lice procedure anyways, now off it comes" he sounds annoyingly excited as he goes on and on.

I almost try to smile when he takes off the back brace before I remember why its coming off. I don't know what lice procedure is but I doubt its anything nice. Removing my diaper he leaves me completely on show to the world. He shoves me into a completely cold steel wheelchair and locks me in before calling a nurse. "Try be quick, he has no control down there so he may wet and shit himself" he says to them before they wheel me away.

This place is simply a maze, I'd never be able to escape because i definitely couldn't find my way to the same place twice. I twitch continuously and realise how much worse it is without the back brace on, I have too much movement now that I'm unconsciously curling my head into my shoulder and chest while the rest of my body thrashes trying to move. We arrive in a room that's completely tiled. They stop me in the centre of the room beside a drain and lock the chair into position.

"Ok Mr Doe, you picked up some lice so we have to do lice procedure, it may be a bit unnerving when you see yourself again once its done but its for the best" she says as she begins to turn a lever on the wall. Ice cold water comes from the ceiling and pours all over me, somehow making my twitching worse. "We can't safely do this with him like this, give him the muscle relaxent" I hear one of the nurses say to the others and feel a prick on my neck. I don't know how they haven't overdosed me on meds at this point. My body goes weak and the twitching stops after a few minutes. Its only then that they turn off the water.

Lathering my body in soap takes a while but soon I'm covered in a sterile smelling foam before the water is turned on again. It turns off moments later and I hear what sounds like a hair clippers behind me. I try to struggle but the meds running through my body don't allow me to move. They're going to shave my head!

Tears roll down my face as i see my hair fall onto my lap and feel the cold air on my head. Next the get shaving foam and put it all over my head shaving every bit of hair off including my eyebrows. They then continue the procedure and shave my body completely.

"All done Mr Doe, you look great! No more pesky lice for you" the nurse says as she dries me off. I'm changed into another diaper and moved to another chair where I start being pushed out of the room. "Wait, I said he'd get to see himself in the mirror!" the nurse who first pushed me appears in front of me with a mirror and the tears start again, I can barely recognise myself.

"You look great Mr Doe don't worry! Now off to therapy for you" I can feel the chair moving to the next location and I don't think I'm ready.


I was right, I wasn't ready. The electro-shock therapy was the worst pain I've felt in years. I read that they were meant to give me anaesthesia but I didn't get any, all I got was pain. I'm once again back in my uncles office, he has just put me back in my back brace and is now super excited to show me my new addition.

Of course this happens to meWhere stories live. Discover now