Chapter 12

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The drive to the dentist flies by peacefully. Even though I asked for this appointment my heart is racing. I hate the dentist but my jaw clenching has been bugging me for years because of the pain it causes and if I can finally get support for it I will definitely take advantage of that.

"Okay, we're here! I'm just gonna get your wheelchair and then I'll help you out of the van" Sir tells me before doing just as he said. The dentist looks bright and colourful which is a nice change from the one in Ireland which was a falling apart old building that was painted a piss yellow colour with posters from the 90s advertising different headgears.

We're only in the waiting room a moment before I'm called back into one of the dentists rooms. I zone out as usual until Sir pokes me and signals for permission to lift me into the dentist chair, I nod before giving the dentist my full attention. "Isaiah, can I ask what specifically is your problem?" The dentist asks gently.

"I clench my jaw in my sleep which has caused real bad pain in my jaw in the morning. I also um........ suck my thumb when stressed" I sign to sir who translates as I blush tomato red. The dentist smiles before going on about moulds and X-rays. I get an X-ray done and decisions are made, I am to wear a mouth guard like thing with a metal yoke connecting the top and bottom that will stop me from clenching my jaw in my sleep. I also apparently am getting just a general day time one for stopping me from doing it during the day, it's less conspicuous but not as trust worthy hence the different ones. The day one is only for days of immense stress or pain since that's the main time I clench my jaw. If the thumb sucking gets too consistent I'll be getting a crib plate for my upper and lower palates? This could apparently cause a lisp....... Ya know another thing I definitely need on my plate. I don't know I should probably have paid more attention. The rest of the appointment flies by quickly and we're told that my appliances will be ready next week so to set an appointment for the same time next week.

The trip back to the brace place is quick and I'm dreading it. At least I don't have to be full body casted this time. We arrive and are quickly ushered into the casting room where the mould the cast around me, it's an odd feeling. Sir leaves at one point saying he'll return soon but there's been a small emergency with one of the boys in school so he has to call the principal but he's in easy reach. Instead of the cast stopping kind of like a string top on my shoulders it cups them completely in a way that won't allow any arm rotation or movement. The bottom is brought all the way down to half way down my thighs, which is longer than the brace man explained earlier but I expect some sort of explanation.

My hair is put in a hair so the casting doesn't get on it as they bring the cast up to the top of my head. "So we haven't decided how we are going to have the top of the brace yet as we originally planned to have it as one complete piece from the bottom, which starts mid thigh meaning it'll completely encased your upper legs basically. It would travel the travel up your back and behind your head then around to the back of your ears and over it to your forehead with the front coming from the bottom to connect to the forehead piece and to just cup your chin . It'll be then cut with a face hole of course so only yours eyes, nose and mouth would be visible. Oh I almost forgot it'll have little holes for your ears of course. You'd essentially be completely encased. Which though while not ideal for your general comfort would be most useful in treatment. But there's also the style that is on the current Minerva brace where your head wouldn't be completely encased but it's my professional opinion that the first one would be better. I will say you will basically be a manikin in the first one but it's for the best, I haven't decided yet but you'll find out what it'll be like when you pick it up. I will also be recommending that some how do I say um 'protective underwear' are put on as going to the bathroom in this is literally impossible so unless it can be guaranteed that you won't need to go during the night wear something like that because otherwise it'll get messy. My past patients have all used this brace and had no problems once they followed the rules of the brace. Don't worry about remembering all these details though I'll make sure to tell your guardian when he returns. It'll be 10 hours in this a day, don't forget that, it may move to 12 hours depending on how next weeks scans go but don't worry about that right now" the doctor says cheerily.

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