Chapter 15

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About an hour passes before Sir decides to come disturb me. "Darling are you ok? I know what happened wasn't nice but tonight we'll remember to use the bathroom first" he says rubbing my shoulder as he sits on the bed. I pull my blanket up over my head, I don't want to see anyone today. "Well I can leave you alone for the day if it's truly what you want but I need to set up a feeding and help you to the bathroom so you need to get out of the bed" he says and I can hear the worry mixing through his voice. I sit up reluctantly and allow Sir to help me to the bathroom where I do my business before getting back into bed.

"I'll set the pump up beside your bed so you can stay in bed rather than sit in your chair if you want?" I hear Sir ask knowing he's only asking to try extract a reply from me. "Bed please" I sign before grabbing the part that will attach to the tube on my face and attaching it then rolling over. I don't want to deal with people today. I hear a sigh and the door closes leaving me alone for once.

I sleep the day away, sleeping through feedings and ignoring everyone when they try talk to me. The embarrassment of what happened killing me slowly, my partners had to change my dirty diaper. It is disgusting, I was stuck in a diaper for a while when I first got injured because my parents took me out of hospital AMA before I had fully learnt how to control my bladder again but I changed myself back then. I really shouldn't have been changing myself because I was definitely too physically weak to be changing myself but I guess I had no choice. I am still to physically weak to change myself at the moment, at least until I get this arm cast off and start physical therapy again. Maybe then I can change myself. I just need to not pee for 10 hours. I will train myself to pee at specific times, right before bed and immediately once I get the diaper off.

"Isaiah, it's time for bed, come on let me help you to the bathroom before we get ourselves set up for the night" Sir says as he nudges me gently. I sigh before sitting up allowing him to carry me to the bathroom. I make myself go as much as I can before letting him know I'm ready to get into the brace and other stuff.

"Guys time to get ready" he yells summoning the boys all into my room where they stand in a queue all holding diapers. I frown confused. "What is happening" I sign. "Well to make it easier for you we are all going to wear diapers tonight. We are not allowed to take it off until 10 am when Sir let's us out of them. He is also going to wear one." Spencer explains. I look at them all in shock amazed that they would allow Sir to do this to them.

Sir methodically puts all the boys in their diapers taking a bit of extra care with Will before putting him in his brace giving him to Spencer to take to his room. All the boys then stand in front of me in nothing but a diaper and diaper cover. They all look so serious I can't take it, I burst out laughing making them all smile. Sir lays himself down getting out of his usual fancy suit pants and sets himself up in a diaper before putting on a cover and signalling for it to be my turn. I sigh before laying down, it's easier tonight knowing that I'm not alone in a diaper but everyone in the house is in one.

After a chorus of good nights from the others I'm left alone in my room with Sir. "Would you mind if I slept with you tonight?" He asks as he carries my useless body to bed. I nod and brace myself for the inevitable crinkle of the diaper and shudder. "I'll be back in a moment. I'm just going to put my clothes away" Sir says before kissing my forehead and waddling out of the room. It almost makes me laugh watching him waddle.

He arrives back soon wearing just the diaper and diaper cover but is carrying an extra blanket with him. He looks at me before lying in bed beside me and draping the blanket over the two of us. "You're so strong Izzy, stronger then you think. You have all of us behind you too" he says before whispering goodnight and dozing off.

I wake up to Sir moving around in the morning. I look up at him and smile, as he rubs my cheek. "Do you need the bathroom right now or can I let the others out first?" He asks. I think for a moment before shaking my head and gesturing for him to let the others out. "Boys come in now, I'm not bringing a changing pad from room to room" he says loudly. Just as he finishes I hear a stampede of feet coming towards us and giggle.

Of course this happens to meWhere stories live. Discover now