Chapter 11

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I look out the window of the van and smile, the leg cast comes off today and then I have my orthodontist appointment. It's just myself and Sir in the van today, him helping me with my speaking since my stutter has been getting progressively worse since I had restarted talking, it's frustrating. I feel like a child sometimes having to rely on everyone else but at this point I don't have a choice. Being in a relationship with them has made it both more difficult and easier to rely on them it's baffling.

The ride has been nice and quiet Sir clearly realising I need sometime in silence to think to myself. Since saying yes to the relationship the others had gotten quite clingy - not that I minded very much, I love their clingyness, but I am very much a loner, well not a loner exactly but I've a very low social battery and it drains very fucking fast. I've been very 'well behaved' recently- basically meaning I haven't yelled at anyone over anything stupid, I've been agreeing to eat more. Sir and Spencer have been saying that later this week when I get rid of the arm brace there is a chance the feeding tube being removed. They were originally thinking it could have been with the leg cast but the pneumonia slowed that down a good bit.

"Are you excited to get to be able to walk again? More independence which is something you've always been adamant about having" Sir smiles at me as we pull into the leg brace place - they said they'd take it off so they'd be able to advise how to move forward from the injury.

"Yeah, being stuck relying on everyone isn't fun at least this way I can do things myself...... like go to the bathroom" I huff getting flashbacks of the many disasters that could be called trips to the bathroom. The worst experience was when Orien decided that he could totally carry me to the bathroom after spraining his ankle, he is already tiny and not very strong so it was disastrous. "I love you all fussing for me but I do like my alone time and space which I can't really have when like this" I shrug while allowing Sir to push my chair into the brace place.

The building was painfully bland and looked like it hadn't been painted in a couple of decades. I wasn't excited to see the brace guy again considering last time I was here he locked me up and literally gave away the key.

"Now, I know you don't like it here and you won't want to talk to the doctor but if it gets to a point where you think you're gonna panic squeeze my hand because you know I'll be with you the whole time" Sir ruffles my hair, much to my annoyance, before opening the door and walking us up to the receptionist to check us in.

According to Spencer, he heard Sir and this Doctor on the phone and there's going to be a X-ray of my spine taken today to see if we can lessen the hours in the brace a bit since I've been wearing it so much recently. Not a major difference will be there but because it wasn't so severe to begin with there is a possibility it can be changed to 8- 10 hours which wouldn't be as bad. If it's only that long I could wear it in my sleep and be fine, more comfort during the day.

"Isaiah!" I hear a nurse call out, Sir pays my shoulder before walking us over and following the nurse.

"So we are going to take you straight to the X-ray room, take off the brace then x-ray your back so they will be developed by the time everything else is sorted" the nurse smiles as she explains the plan for this appointment.

The x-ray is done quickly with me flopping instantly when the brace is removed, it's weird but I've gotten used to the temporary weakness that comes with taking off the brace, I'll be fine in about five minutes. Sir panicked the first few times it happened but after calling the doctor it was explained that it's normal if I'm in the brace for prolonged periods of time, which I really shouldn't be but special circumstances and the like.

Arriving into the brace room I'm lifted up by Sir and placed gently on the table. The doctor walks in and smiles at me, or we'll bares his teeth, before walking around and explaining the procedure for taking off the cast as he gets out some tools.

Of course this happens to meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora