Chapter 14

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I wake up naturally myself seeing Orien beside me in bed and I sigh. He's going to get in so much trouble, he should be doing his homework. I sit up and poke his cheek trying to wake him up. It's almost dinner and then we have an after dinner session then it will be like 9 and he has a lights out of 10 on school nights so he will not have his homework done.

"O...or...Orien wake u..up" I stutter out as loud as I can causing him to jump up looking ready to fight. He looks around the room again before looking at me and pouting. "Why did my teddy bear wake me up I was all cuddly with my teddy bear and having a lovely nap" he continues to pout causing me to laugh. "You have homework" I sign to him and his face twists in confusion until he looks at the time. "Shit! Love you darling but I gotta go. Wait fuck, I'll help you into your chair first" he rushes out before assisting me into my chair allowing more mobility. He kisses my forehead and runs out the door.

Grabbing my phone I text Will.

Me - I miss you
Will - i was u earlier and im just downstairs
Me - and im upstairs in my room
Will - just come down then
Me - ........
Will - fuck, shit sorry baby I'll come help you love youuuuuu.

I hear a loud bang and thundering steps up the stairs before I see Will appear in my room all disheveled. I laugh at him "were you still working" I heave out between laughs. "Yes I was baby but I'm glad you stopped me. Also well done with that sentence you did great" he kisses my forehead before pushing my chair to the stair lift. I go to transfer to the chair before seeing it's at the bottom of the stairs. "Can you j...just carry me p...please. I'll use the later when coming up" I whisper to him and he nods lifting me up.

Its only when I make connection with his body that I remember what Sir told me earlier. "Brace?" I ask him. "Yep, have had it for years, used to be a lot more conspicuous than it is now. Now the main giveaway is the hardness of my body obviously and well I can seem quite stiff and don't really slouch at all. If you want tonight I can sleep with you and we can be sticks together?" he says kissing me on the forehead, I nod in response to the question and he pushes me into the kitchen where Alex and Spencer are trying to cook.

Sniffing I catch the very obvious smell of burning and my eye catches on a pot on the stove that's clearly smoking as Alex and Spencer are arguing over who's cucumber cubes look better. "Will, will you push me to the stove please, Tweedledum and Tweedledee over there are burning something" I sign as Will chuckles and pushes me over before picking me up and putting me on the counter beside the stove so I can actually see in the pot. A thick black substance is in there, I try stir it and see in the centre that there was mince and something else in here with some sauce. I laugh as I show Will the pot and see his nose wrinkle in disgust and he takes the pot off the stove emptying into the bin.

"That pot looks a bit too burnt to be able to use tonight, it'll take a deep cleaning to get the burnt shit off it" I sign as I open the cupboard beside me and take out a wok. "We have mince in the fridge, the idiots over there are cutting up salad, seems like they were making tacos based off the taco shells on the counter. What do you wanna make?" Will asks grabbing the mince out of the fridge knowing we'll need to use it no matter what I decide. "Create your own tacos? We will make spicy mince with onions and allow everyone to just add salad as they want. Not bothered to make proper tacos, there's sour cream, salsa and guacamole in the fridge too" Will nods along as I grab the spices required and he grabs an onion and starts chopping it.

We're almost finished cooking when Alex and Spencer notice us finally deciding that the cubes can't be really compared until they're tasted. "Oh look at our beautiful partners looking after our cooking" Alex says as he comes over before he looks into the wok confused. "That's not what our food looked like?" he utters confused. I laugh out loud " guys w....we.....were busy" I stop out of frustration "you guys were so busy arguing you didn't notice you burnt the food so Will and I fixed it" I sign all the laughter gone from my body. Spencer comes over and hugs me instantly kissing my forehead "Well aren't we lucky to have such talented partners to fix our mistakes. Thank you baby" he kisses my forehead again before going to help Will set the table.

Of course this happens to meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora