Chapter 10

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The last week flew by with me getting to know the boys and their hobbies a little more. I wake up with a moan, today is not a good day. I feel icky. Looking around my room I notice how bland it is, I need to decorate it since I'm going to be stuck here. I turn my head glancing at the clock on my bedside locker, it's only 8am, why am I awake. I go to sit up grunting with pain before collapsing back into my lying position. Ok so getting out of bed today is not gonna happen. Frowning, I go to lift my good arm up and notice even that feels like lead and can barely be lifted past 45*. I lift my arm up and let it drop onto my chest hoping it'll make a sound loud enough that it'll alert the others I'm awake.

My body isn't the only thing hurting, my brain is sore today in a way that it feels like my thoughts are going through a heavy fog. I feel an itch on my nose an go to move my arm to itch it but it doesn't get the message, groaning I start to twitch my nose hoping the itch will disappear.

"Morning baby boy, you ready to get up" Xan walks in smiling before looking me making the smile drop to a frown. He instantly rushes over and feels my forehead his frown deepening. "Sir! I think Is has the flu" he hollers out before coming closer to me and moving my arm into a more comfortable position and giving me my teddy I'd been staring at intently. I've had it since I was a baby and it helps on days like this. He starts stroking my hair as he lays beside me checking my forehead every few seconds.

"You're not feeling good at all are you baby boy. You really have not been having a good time recently" he mutters kissing my forehead once more. Sir walks in a moment later carrying a very full tray with worry etched into his face. His eyes land on me and instantly the worry increases. I must look just as bad as I feel.

"Agh my Izzy, let's hope this isn't the flu and just a bad day. I need you to just open your mouth so I can take your temperature" Sir says gently as he makes his way over with two different thermometers, one he sticks to my forehead and one he pops into my mouth. He kisses my cheek before going back to the tray and coming back with a heat pack, glancing all over my body he decides the back of my neck would be best. "I'm just going to lift your head and put this under then the thermometer will be done is that ok darling?" He asks keeping his voice calm. My lip twitches upwards. Sir understanding that's the closest to a response he'll get lifts my head up causing me to let out a little whine from pain.

The thermometer beeps alerting us to my temperature which is apparently so high that I hear Orien squeal from the door in worry. "It can't be that high! If it's that bad we have to take him back to the hospital". I whine again in frustration, why can't my words work or my body. Xan and Sir look at Orien and frown.

"Orien you know you can't go around saying things like that carelessly. Anyways it isn't high enough to require a hospital visit, we'll monitor Iz during the day and if he gets any worse we'll call the doctor here" Sir gently chastises Orien before turning back to me smiling softly. He grabs a cup off the tray he brought in and hands it to Xan with a straw who helps me drink a bit. Lemon and honey tea, i instantly relax from the relaxing taste.

"Sir! It's Lex he's sick!" I hear Alex yell from another room. Oh no. Sir and Orien rush from the room as Will walks into mine looking like what I presume I look like. I cringe. I got the whole house sick, I just have brought something from the hospital. Xan looks up at Will and instantly gets off the bed guiding Will in beside me. Will looks at me for permission before sliding in beside me and curling up to me side.

"Looks like there's three of us down for the count little boy" he mutters. Moments later Sir and Alex come in carrying Lex and startle at the sight of Will. Placing Lex in the bed they frown before smiling at us.

"Xan call thee doctor, if three of my beautiful boys are sick I need to know if they need to go the hospital. One I can help but three I'll be too worried to accurately look after them all" the worry seeps into Sirs voice. Xan nods and leaves the room calling the doctor. Orien suddenly appears at the door carrying a tv, I frown not having noticed him leave. I wonder what we're gonna watch. Before he can even start to set up the tv I break into a coughing fit, it hurts, I feel like my throats raw and my lungs aren't working. My chest is sore too from the pressure of the cough and the brace combined. I whine triggering another coughing fit which triggers me crying in frustration. What's the point in having a voice if my brain doesn't allow me to use it in moments like these.

Of course this happens to meWhere stories live. Discover now