Chapter 17

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I wake up slowly and go to stretch, Sir obviously forgot my back brace, I can't feel the hard shell of plastic. It's only when I go to move that I realise I can't. I open my eyes and see that I'm in a padded room on the floor locked the way they had me when they put me in the van. I'm lying on my side and facing the direction of the door. I start grunting trying to get someone's attention, I need to get out of here. My body begins to jerk and spam as much as it can while I try to think back to the last thing I remember.

I only wait a few minutes until someone comes in. "Agh yes John Doe, we have to get you out of these yucky things and then we'll take you to see the doctor. Now I'm going to have some helpers come in to move you around, you don't need to worry about doing anything" the person I assume is a nurse says. Two strong looking women walk in behind her and walk over to me and heave me into a standing position. The nurse strips me of all the clothes until I'm butt naked. It's only then that I realise I'm going to be brought to the doctor but naked. I start thrashing trying to get them to let me go, having only one leg that works is becoming more obvious it seems as the nurse looks and writes something down.

She walks outside and returns a moment later with a big bulky wheelchair, I'm shoved in and tied down everywhere, my crotch, chest,neck, forehead, forearms, wrists, thighs, calves and feet. Luckily there's a foam block in between my legs stopping everyone from seeing my privates. I'm pushed out of the padded room and through the hallways, I hear constant screaming sometimes it sounds like it's screams from pain.

"Don't worry about the others, you won't see them much, you're going to be mostly in isolation" the nurse pats my head as I pushed into a room. I'm then forced onto the table and locked down again. "Hello John, hmmmm no we have too many Johns I'm going to give you a name how about Isaiah?" I search the room and my eyes land on my Uncle Gerin. "I'm Doctor Gerin, you've been admitted here for murder and violence but don't worry just because your here doesn't mean we'll let you rot away no no no, we'll take great care of you. Thank you nurse you can head out now I can deal with the patient alone" he looks at the nurse and orderly's and they leave.

"Oh Isaiah, this hospital has hired idiots, your parents handed you in, gave a fake file, and they didn't give a name and they never questioned it ...... it's too funny. Anyways so you're going to get a variety of treatments but first, I've heard you've been spending a lot of time in the dentist recently! Why don't I fix your teeth for you! I am a qualified dentist after all. So I got all your X-rays and I must say you need braces, but you also need your jaw wired together because well, your jaw is in the completely wrong place but don't worry. Only the braces will be permanent, we'll open your jaw in a few years once your jaw goes to the right place. So then after the braces we'll have to get you measured for your own personal jackets! So your going to get your own straitjacket to be worn in your room, then your going to get a leg sack which is a leg straitjacket and don't worry. I haven't forgotten about your scoliosis. I like your doctor for that by the way, his design is immaculate for your brace but I'm afraid we can't use that for a few months so you're going to be getting a Milwaukee brace. You will get to socialise with the other inmates today after I get you in your new brace and your jaw done. You will be in a wheelchair full time as you are too violent to be given any mobility but don't worry not in your straight jacket until that arrives. So you'll be going out in your brace, which I have and your diaper! Don't worry about being embarrassed about the diaper, there 4 other patients with one too! It's your supposed low IQ you know, you don't get the message when you need to go and even if you did you're too violent to trust, maybe in a few weeks you'll get a catheter too......... agh I don't know yet" he's rambling as he starts to glue the braces to my teeth.

"Now the treatment for your mental issues, what is it they said you have, well they seemed to have just gone to a psychology dictionary and choose a selection so according to your file you've got paranoid schizophrenia, OCD, depression, anxiety, DID, and BPD. Wow they really went all out. So you'd be getting a lot of medication but no, I'm going to be nice and only give you a few. The feeding tube that's for your eating problems is going to stay since you can't eat with the jaw wiring. So your treatment is going to be isolation therapy for now, well that and medication. Hmmm is that everything....... Oh wait no it's not, your going to be in a padded cell at all times unless you're out to socialise which will happen once a month at most, but don't worry you'll have a bed, which you'll be strapped to. Now how does that feel" he says as he wires my braces tightly. He placed a thick plastic block in my mouth before wiring it shut keeping my teeth about an inch apart leaving me aggressively drooling and my mouth unable to close. He also tightened it to the point that it feels like my teeth are being yanked out of their homes. He stops and I think he's done until he smiles "how could I forget the lip bumpers! I don't want your poor gums getting all cut up". He grabs two items and lathers them in glue before sticking them to my upper and lower gum, it feels like I'm make some weird duck face.

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