Chapter 33

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We all sit there for a few minutes, Bear making us all hot drinks, and think through what we just said and told them. Kit is pacing up and down the room, muttering to himself until Rafe grabs his arm and pulls him onto his lap.

"It's late, we should sleep and maybe reconvene tomorrow?" he says after a minute. "That's a good idea," Will responds as he takes in my exhausted form. We all nod in agreement and slowly the others leave the room leaving us with Fin.

"I will take you to a room ye can stay in. Two of ye will have to share as we only have a room with two double beds available at the moment, if thats ok with you?" he asks us, we nod in agreement and he gestures out of the room. Spencer picks me up and we head to the room. The room is massive and a double bed is definitely an understatement on the sizing of the beds.

"I'll knock in in the morning when we are all awake so we can discuss solutions for the shit show," he tells us before leaving. Spencer places me gently on the bed as Will heads out of the room muttering something about gathering our gear.

"I'm worried," Spencer announces after a moment of silence. I lift my head weakly and look at him, the adrenaline that had me running the past few hours completely gone.

"A..a..a..about what?" I ask him when he doesn't elaborate. He stays silent for another moment until Will comes in.

"What if we can't sort this. Sir will be fucked and we will all be seperated, while some of us are older and can just go where we wish all you young ones will be wards of the state if your parents don't claim you and us older ones will be marked as too unstable to take anyone in. Then we will never see eachother again, and you can't be taken away from us, look what happened last time - what if they put you in a care home and basically make you a vegetable. What about you Will? You aren't going to be able to be a functioning adult with your new back brace, espeically if you get surgery and even if we were to move in together, I am a mess. I don't seem it but that is because Sir is there to shoulder my worries. I can't do this without him, he is the one who has kept me alive this long. What am I going to do without him? Why the fuck is Lex so messed up? I just, I can't do this," tears stream down his face, Will instantly holding him to his chest and comforting him.

I almost cry from frustration, all I want to do is comfort my boyfriend and my body is so weak that I can't even lift myself against the pillow.

"Ok, we are all feeling alot of emotions, instead of wallowing in them, lets go to sleep. Spence, you push the two beds together, we aren't sleeping separate. Is, I am going to get you ready for bed, now can you sleep without reestraints or do you need them?" Will asks, he was laways the one who understood.

"I can do with just wrist straps for tonight. I will need my helmet though, I think I am going to seize a few more times, I don't know how to explain if but I can almost feel a seizure bubbling beneath my skin," I explain to him, he nods patiently and begins the process of getting me ready before getting himself ready.

"Ok vent time," Spence appears beside me in his pyjamas with the tube for my vent all ready. I nod reluctantly, being hooked up to it was always a weird feeling. Not bad per say just weird. He shuffles beside me as I let my body get into a rhythm.

Will appears between the two of us and smile, his full brace on keeping his stiff makes his manouvering onto the bed look awkward and uncomfortable. "Goodnight bubbas," Spence signs.

I wake up to someone on top of me making me panic. Opening my eyes I see it is Kitt, Spencer beside him, worry shining in his eyes. They start speaking to me but my hearing aids are out, the vent is loud, I can hear my heartbeat in my ears and my eyes won't stay focused on one thing.

I lie there, my body spasming every few seconds until it becomes every few minutes. It is only then that Kitt climbs off me.

"I am going to kill that stupid fucking boy," he mutters, well I assume he mutters as I read it from his lips and neither of the others reacts.

"Hearing aids," the words fall out of my mouth clumsily, my body not entirely feeling in my control yet. Will appears beside me and sets them up in my ear, putting my glasses on me too, before helping me sit up and removing the arm restraints.

"What happened?" I ask once everyone has sat down again. "You just had a seizure that I'm sure would've been mistaken as a demonic possession not too long ago," Kit snorts, I smile in response.

"My body doesn't feel like my own," I weakly sign when the words keep coming out in jumbles. "We will talk to Doc about it, first lets go say good morning to everyone, they were worried. I'm sure you all want to get brainstorming on solutions for this situation too," Kitt suggests, we all nod in agreement. Spencer and Will let Kit go before changing me into a clean diaper and some of my adapted clothes, my body twitching and spasming the whole time leaving me exhausted.

By the time I'm strapped in my chair, I am ready for another nap, my body fighting with me takes more energy than I'd like to admit. Spence pushes me into the kitchen, Will following behind us. When we arrive, everyone but Rafe is there.

"Whats everyone hungry for?" J asks from his position at the stovetop. A myriad of answers come from everyone but me, I won't be able to eat with the state of my body.

"F..f..feed?" I manage to stutter out quietly to Spence as the others wander around getting ready for the day. "Before that I want to get Doc to give you a quick look over while the others if thats ok," Kitt appears beside us, I sign yes and he smiles at me.

"The rest of you eat, you can leave Isaiah with me while you eat, he knows Doc," Kitt says, the other two reluctantly agreeing before being distracted with food. Kitt chuckle as he pushes me to Docs room.

"They are so in love with you, you are their sun," he tells me softly before we head into the room.

Of course this happens to meWhere stories live. Discover now