thirty eight - slight tingling sensation

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CIA Headquarters

"So what do we know?" Director Miller sat in front of 15 agents in a conference room. He stared at the board which had a picture of LeToya De Rosa in the centre with red arrows branching off from the image. One of the 15 agents in that room was Roman Santoro, who had recently flown in dark from his safe house in Iceland. Dressed in a navy suit he sat with a straight back and if you inspect him closely you could see the dark circles under his eyes.

"Sir, in the past 9 months I've been keeping a close eye on agent 8. I initially interacted with her because of my brother - Gabriel, she knew I was working for the CIA but I gained her trust and was able to get insight into how she operated. Agent 8 has a tech team, keeping her off the grid. They have access to private databases and are capable of erasing data and footage," Roman finished with a nod at Sam who sat opposite him - Sam was skinnier than Roman, his muscles weren't as defined but still, he got the job done.

"It started when a bounty was put up by the Russians, they wanted her in exchange for 8 million. We believe she was trained in Russia against her will in 'The Red Room' after Sebastian Garcia had sold her." Sam pinned a picture on the board.

"This triggered something in Agent 8, she travelled to New York where we discovered her in an apartment complex with Zara Robinson." Sam pinned another picture onto the board of a girl with wavy blonde hair. 

"Master of swordsmanship. Intel suggests to us that - Zara was also trained in Russia where the two formed an alliance." Roman stated recalling the information LeToya told him, "That was where she took on the FBI agents who entered the apartment."

The director lifted his hand to silence Roman, "We would've intervened but due to our complicated relationship with the federal bureau, we couldn't. And I know this already! Tell me something I don't know." He insisted, his tone becoming agitated.

"From the footage outside the Agency, we saw that the fugitive had help from someone at the main gates, three guards dropped dead and LeToya only killed one," Sam stated.

Millar rubbed his temples resting his elbows on the table. "So we know she has allies lurking, do we know where she is now?"

"She's been travelling a lot these past months, spotted in Colombia, Russia, Italy, London. But since her arrest - she's been off the grid." Said one of the agents.

"What about your brother Roman?" The Director suggests with a raised eyebrow.

Roman's eyes dropped onto the table, a slight frown on his lips. "I'm no longer in contact with my brother sir, after the arrest. He won't take my calls. I don't know where he is."

"Do you have intentions of bringing the SEALs into this sir?" Asked Sam.

"No." Roman interrupts, "We can't bring the SEALs into this."

Miller sat back, considering his next move. He didn't want to provoke her - that was too dangerous when it comes to LeToya. He just wanted her to come out of hiding. "Her manor. Is anyone there?"

"No sir. It's destroyed," Sam confirmed.

The director sighed in defeat. They have reached a dead end. But in his thoughts, he knew what he had to do next, the same one word has been circling in his mind. Mole. He had to figure out who the mole was and the only person who knew was her.


I stood in front of a machine that appeared like an oval-shaped coffin where Theo's weak body was held up inside. 

"The machine will activate the serum inside his body and awaken his muscle tissues, his brain activity should function perfectly and plausibly gain superhuman abilities," Tony claimed directly at me but I couldn't take my eyes off Theo's face that could be seen through the transparent window.

"Will it hurt him?" I asked, my eyes never leaving the machine.

"He might feel a slight tingling sensation," Tony said flipping the switches on his control panels. "Ready?" 

"I don't think I'll ever be ready. But go ahead," I muttered reluctantly. With that, the machine lights up, orange beames seeping through the cracks of the metal. I watched Theo's inadequate face as the machine grows louder and gains more power. I felt my shoulders stiffen when suddenly a scream came from inside.

 Theo's scream. 

The inside has steamed up and I could no longer see his face.

"Tony?" I yelled. "You said it would be a slight tingling sensation." Frantically I attempted to open the door but it was sealed shut. Another scream of pain sounded from the inside. "Tony! Turn the damn thing off."

"He's only at 70%," He retorts as I squint my eyes at him and waited as he turns the dial-up further. And then it stopped. The machine shuts down with a loud thud and the orange beams vanished. 

I was too preoccupied to notice that everyone was at the doorway with a bewildered look on their faces. I moved towards the machine to examine through the window, he still had his eyes closed.

"Open it," I command with no hesitation. The door gradually opens and although his face remained the same his body size had increased, his muscles were larger and more defined, he was about 4 inches taller. My hand slowly made its way to his face, "Theo?" I uttered in a shaky voice. Though his body remained still and his eyes remained closed. I closed my eyes and rested my forehead on his chest, as my body felt weaker and my tears grew stronger.

My breath hitched when I felt a warm hand on my face.

"Hello love." Came a voice I thought I would never hear again. I slowly opened my eyes to look into his green ones. 

"You're okay." I breathed closing the gap between us and throwing my arms around him. He engulfed me in a hug nestling his head into my hair. "I missed you so much."  

He holds me for a second longer before placing a kiss on my forehead, "Wish I could say the same thing." I scoffed and punched his shoulder. My hand instantly felt numb and perhaps broken. 

I hissed examining my sore hand, which Theo takes into both of his, caressing my knuckles.

"It worked!" I hear Tony cheer in joy, "I'm a genius!" 

"Captain." Came a high pitched voice which I soon realised was Peter's.

"Erm...Actually, I was a Captain in the Marine Corps. You can just call me Theo." He insisted looking at me curiously as if to say who is this kid?

"But Mr Stark said your Captain America?" Stark cocked his head at Peter in disbelief. Clearly, this information was supposed to be kept between them.

"Really kid? I told you not to tell them yet." He remarks quietly as Peter shrugged. 

"They're going to find out at some point." Peter retorts.

"Find out what?" I inquired at the pair.

"We're recruiting you all into the Avengers." Peter blurted out as Tony attempts to cover the boy's mouth with his hand. 

Gabe, Robin, Theo and I exchanged a look between the four of us.

"Do I at least get a costume?" Came Gabe's voice which we all groaned in response.

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