thirty nine - missing by choice

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After a thorough examination, it seems Theo's vitals are exceptional and his brain activity is back to normal, well that's excluding his new abilities.

"You really wrote all these letters?" He asked holding up the leather book.

I scoffed, "Don't act so surprised. At least now you're caught up with everything that's happened," He approached me with open arms and engulfed me in a hug while I rested my head in the crook of his neck. 

"You know they're like love letters." He mused caressing my head.

"You wish, Captain," I mumbled into his shoulder emphasising the new name.

His chest vibrates as he chuckled, "What are we going to do about this whole 'Avengers' situation."

His scent consumed my nostrils and I let myself relaxed for a second in his hold, "I don't know. The manor is completely destroyed and the CIA aren't giving up anytime soon. Maybe we should consider it?" I suggested lifting my chin up to look at him.

"Whatever you decide, I'm with you." He smiled pulling me closer to him.

"Till the end of the line?" I smirked looking into his eyes.

He slowly dragged his lips along my jaw, "Till the end of the line," Came his whisper near my ear. 

My breath hitched, "We owe it to Tony for bringing you back to us." I could feel my heart hammering in my chest as his lips got closer and closer to mine—

"LeToya!" Like lightning, we jumped apart as Gabe bursts through the doors.

Clearing my throat I folded my arms over my chest, "What's up?"

Gabe looked between Theo and me with a playful look in his eyes, "Sorry to disturb." He smirked causing heat to rush to my face, "But we have a problem." 

With a nod, I left the room and followed him towards the living room where everyone was sat. My eyebrows creased when I noticed the anxious look on Gabe's face. "What is it?"

"It's Zara." Zara. At that moment I knew something was wrong, we rarely use her forename - it was always Robin.

I quickly scanned the room, just realising that she wasn't here. "Where is she?"

"She's gone," Gabe uttered looking at me like a lost puppy.

"I caught her leaving on the camera a couple of nights ago. Friday open surveillance cam," Stark spoke aloud.

The TV screen showed Robin leaving the compound in the dark, she carried all her bags and belongings. Soon jumping into the passenger seat of a matte black sports car with two wheels positioned at the front of the car instead of the sides. It was extraordinary, a super car.

"This car." Stark points out, "Extremely low profile, the engine is almost silent. The hard exterior, it's phenomenal. Looks like carbon fibre."

"A bulletproof car..." I mused examining the video. "And her phone?"

Gabe frowns, "I've tried, it says her number was unrecognised."

I scratched the back of my neck trying to make sense of this whole situation, "At least she wasn't abducted." I shrugged pressing my lips together.

Gabe gave me an unamused look, "I'll deal with it." I state firmly whilst pulling my phone out.


"How you been?" I sat opposite Lucia Green an FBI agent who worked in the Intelligence branch, we sat in an underground bar that previously was a speakeasy.

"Not bad." I sighed adjusting the sunglasses on my nose, "CIA is still on my case so I've been trying to lay low for a while. What about you?" 

"The Bureau's been quiet - now that the CIA has taken your case we were focusing on Li Wei and his Triad but that case is now closed too." She took the glass of whiskey to her lips. "You wouldn't have anything to do with that would you?"

I arched an eyebrow at her, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

The corners of her lips tugged upwards as she shook her head, "I knew you would say that." For a second she pauses to survey the room, I've noticed how she does this every five minutes. "I know you wouldn't be dragging yourself out of hiding for small talk. So what's up?" 

I slid my phone across the table and pointed at the image on the screen, "That car. Have you seen it anywhere before?" I became aware of how her body posture stiffened and she looked at me like I slapped her with a fish. "What's with the face?" I asked.

"Where did you get this?" She merely whispered flipping the phone over so the screen was facing down.

"Surveillance footage," I replied slipping the device into my pocket. "Why?" 

"From where? Where was the footage recorded from? What date and time—" She rambled with wide eyes.

"Luce." I placed my hand on top of hers, "Why are you freaking out?"

She sucks in a deep breath, "You're onto something dangerous L, and I would tell you to stop whatever you're going to do but I know you wouldn't listen anyway, so at least tell me why you're looking for him."

"It's Robin, she left a few nights ago, in that car. It looked voluntarily like she wanted to leave. But she's not answering her calls and she's not the type to leave without a goodbye."

"You're talking about Zara Robinson? The girl with the bo-staff, weapons specialist, master of combat and martial arts." She listed from the top of her head.

I nodded, "Yeh, you've met her a few times."

"Has she been acting suspicious recently?" She inquired.

I thought about the last few weeks of living in Starks tower. "She's been...quiet. She told me she didn't mind staying with Stark but I could tell she hated it and I was so caught up with trying to help Theo that I didn't ask her how she felt or..." I flinched when Lucia pinched my hand bringing me out of my thoughts.

"If she left by choice then I'm sure she's okay." She insisted.

My attention was drawn to the man who had just walked in, he clearly didn't belong in this place - in his well-tailored suit and trench coat. When he moved to sit down, I caught a glimpse of his firearm under his coat.

"Don't turn around," I mumbled under my breath.

"What is it?" Questioned Lucia who kept a straight face. I eyed the suspicious man sitting a few metres away from us. 

"An armed male just entered, navy blue suit with a black trench coat. Can't tell if he's working for the Bureau or the Agency, but he sure as hell didn't just come in here for a quick beer." I uttered sinking back into my chair.

"You're armed aren't you?"

I raised a reluctant eyebrow, "I escaped from CIA's custody. With a pair of handcuffs...I think I'll be okay."

"You really are invincible aren't you." She chuckled patting her waist to ensure she had hers. 

"So this guy...who your suggesting Robin got in the car with. Who is he?" I shifted my gaze from the suspicious man back to Lucia who looked at me with a blank face.

"He's a menace L and filthy rich. We've been trying to get a hold of him for a while now. A vigilante, like you. But more ruthless, he tortures people and he's not afraid to kill."

With a sigh, I rested my elbows on the table. "Look Luce, I don't care if he's the most wanted man in America. I just want to know where Robin is." 

Her back straightens as she looked at me with a look I had never seen in her eyes before. It was fear and when she spoke it was low and faint as if the information would kill her.

"His name is Bruce Wayne."

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