thirteen - too late

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We were now sat on the Jet waiting to take off to Colombia, I was sat by the window with Theo to my side and Rome opposite me. The two lovebirds were in a deep conversation on the other side of the jet. 

"Sebastian Garcia, leader of the Latin Kings. He likes to smuggle illegal drugs into the United States and enjoys trafficking women and children in his spare time." I spoke not taking my eyes off the book I was reading. "I'm sure you're aware of how dangerous this man is so please be careful because I can't fit planning a funeral into my schedule."

"What are you going to do to him L?" Robin asked.

I couldn't help the small tug at the corners of my lips, "I spent a whole year planning how I would make him suffer, whilst he was breaking my fingers one by one so let's say I have a few ideas." I closed my book and looked up to see everyone's face had paled, I silently chuckled.


A few hours later we finally landed in Colombia, the weather was perfect, if it wasn't for the high crime rate Colombia would be a beautiful place for a holiday. 

I got my bags and made my way out of the airport walking as fast as I could. I heard footsteps following behind me, I wish they would hurry up. Finally, I found the black SUV that I asked for parked in the car park, I bend down by the back left wheel and placed my hand behind it pulling out a set of keys. I opened the car and place the bags inside, signalling everyone to put their bags in.

"Why the hurry sweetheart?" Gabe asked stretching his arms.

"Doesn't matter, it's too late anyway," I rolled my eyes taking a few metres back from everyone.

"Too late for what?" Rome asked cautiously analysing my stance.


"I don't like, what are you doing?" Theo asked.


I chucked Robin the keys to the car and winked at her puzzled face.


"Catch me if you can," Were the last words that left my mouth before I got hurled into the back of the van and blindfolded. I didn't try to move or struggle, I just simply let the darkness take over me as I felt a sharp prick in the side of my neck.


The first thing I felt before opening my eyes was the harsh restrained digging into my wrists. I kept my eyes closed and listened to any noises. But silence. Slowly I opened my eyes assessing the situation I was in. Cold stoned walls surrounded me and a blood-stained floor.

"No one's coming for you." He laughed. "You see this floor," he pointed at the concrete floor I was lying on, "I'm thinking of painting it red, " he said getting up to grab another knife from the table, "...with your blood."

I blinked away the memories, trying to twist my wrists out of the ropes that bound me to the chair.

"Couldn't stay away now could you." I heard a familiar voice that would normally greet me in my nightmares.

"What's the fun in that," I spoke.

He let out a laugh which sent chills down my spine, he then stalked around me like a vulture circling its prey. His bloodshot eyes twitch uncomfortably, under his un-brushed, jet black hair. Bloody red crossed stitches climb his crooked neck, under his corruptive and perpetual grin. Sebastian Garcia.

"You know..." He trailed, "after I sold you, I made a lot of money. You were a great investment." He spoke as though I was an object.

I stayed quiet, fiddling with the ties on my wrists.

"Until you escaped that is," He snarled, "I lost a great deal of money for that too, you filthy little bitch."

"What are you going to do huh? Cry about it?" I pouted, "Suck it up pussy."

He reaches for something behind him then walked towards me, all of a sudden a knife was plunged into my right shoulder. I grit my teeth together holding in the pain, not giving him the satisfaction.

"I heard you're not making as much profit as you used that correct?" I asked smirking.

He walked behind me grabbing something from one of the shelves, then plunges a screwdriver in my thigh, I hissed as the pain spreads across my whole leg and lower abdomen. "I should have known it was you." He growled.

"Did you not get my postcard?" I asked, "must've gotten lost in the post," I shrugged.

"That mouth of yours is going to cause some problems, how about I fix that for you," he said holding up a blowtorch.

I swallowed hard as beads of sweat rolled down my face, just as I was about to reply I heard two bodies dropping to the ground outside the door causing me to smirk. I looked down at the wooden chair I was sitting on. You never learn do you, Sebastian.

"What the hell—" his head snapped towards the door and started moving towards it.

As he placed his hand on the handle I threw myself backwards causing the chair to fall back crumbling to tiny, little pieces. I took the knife out of my shoulder proceeding to cut the rope ties on my wrists, I saw him charging towards me as I stood up he threw his body weight behind the fist that edged closer to my face, it hit my jaw with such force blood pooled into my mouth. Pain erupted from the point of impact. With my own two hands I grasped his head in my hands and brought my knee cap up to his nose, there was a blunt crack and I released his dark-haired head. Streams of blood spilt out of his nose like a river, he attempted to throw another punch at my face but the accuracy was far off. Instead, I punched him in the jaw with so much force it sent him into a blissful slumber.

"Took you long enough," I said turning around to meet a pair of blue eyes.

Rome smiled in response, raising an eyebrow, "finding you was harder than I thought Mio amore." He said before getting pushed to the side by a worried Gabe.

"Sweetheart." He said approaching me with open arms before scrunching his face up in disgust taking a few steps back, "you look like shit." 

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