Chapter XXVIII: Blackmail

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Jungkook's POV

"Don't forget tomorrow is your midterm exam... study hard and it will reflect on your grade. If anyone needs help understanding something, talk to me after class. Any last questions before I dismiss you?" I ask the class, but no one raises their hand or speaks a word. I smile gently, "then you can go. I hope to see all high marks tomorrow!"

Everyone begins to stand and pack their things, rushing to get out of their first class. My eyes glaze over the room to Y/n who smiles at me before throwing her bag over her shoulder... I smile back, my heart tugging as I sit down at my desk and pry my eyes away against my will. I turn to my attention computer, typing a few things in for work.

But after a few seconds, I notice a figure standing at my desk, I turn my eyes and see her evil face. "Yes? Can I help with something?" I ask, wishing for her to leave me alone.

"Yes, Mister Jeon. I was wondering if you and I could work after school...? I needed some alone time with you to understand a certain topic," she replies. I know she chose that wording on purpose.

"What are you struggling with?"

"A variety of things..." she says, smiling down at me wickedly." I wanted a better explanation of human reproduction specifically..."

I want to vomit.

"I've already mentioned that part of the unit isn't going to be on the exam. We're behind and I decided to take it out. If you were listening in class you would have heard me say that," I say coldly.

Her lips purse. "Then can we go over something else?"

I sigh. "Like?"

She smirks, her eyes falling down my figure as I sit back in my chair, crossing my arms. "I was hoping you could teach me more about the male reproductive system...that is on the exam isn't it?"

I scoff under my breath, sitting up and using my elbows to hold my upper body up as I lean on the desk. "Sorry, Miss Park, you'll have to find someone else for that." I quickly avert my eyes, standing from my seat and walking over to my whiteboard to clear the mess on it.

I hear her pout. "Mister Jeon, you're the teacher..." I don't respond, continuing to wipe away my handwriting I had done in a black erasable marker. I don't look back at Aurem, nor acknowledge her. That is, until I feel her hands drag across my waist. I quickly spin, ready to throw her hands off but she speaks before me. "I need you to teach me."

I grab her hands and throw them off like I wanted to. "Miss Park, I won't repeat myself." She doesn't stop trying to grab my shirt, and I don't stop pushing her away. She finally ends up grabbing my shirt collar trying to kiss my lips, but I push her away hard enough so her hands detach and we're a few feet away from each other. I become livid. "What the hell are you trying to do?!" She smiles mischievously. "Get out!"

She walks over to her desk to grab her things, and speaks. "I think I'll be seeing you soon, Mister Jeon..." she stries up to my placing her pointer finger against my chest to graze the material. I instantly slap her hand away. "Take care." She walks out of my classroom and I suddenly feel overwhelmed, hot, and nervous.

Dear god, what am I going to do with her?

What am I going to tell Y/n?? I don't want to tell her now and bother her, or even perhaps give her a reason to sick Sugyeong on her... but I can't keep this from her. I'll tell her after school today, assuming Aurem leaves me alone...

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