Chapter XLV: Enough for you

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"Are you nervous?" Jungkook asks next to me as my chin rests in my palms, my elbow sitting on the arm rest. The walls are a pale grey, hardly decorated, except the ticking clock above the receptionist's desk. She types on her computer, minding her own business while my head is full of thoughts. But when he speaks, my eyes divert and look towards him to answer. "A bit...I don't know what to expect," I answer truthfully.

He smiles, taking my hand in his. "I'll be with you. You don't have to worry at all when I'm here. Okay?" He reassures with me. I smile softly, and nod, letting him calm me down with his touch. But that is what I'm here for, and worried about... but even still, I shouldn't be insecure about it.

I don't even know what to call this. It's therapy,'s like couples therapy. But there is nothing wrong between us. I just need to fix myself. We're here mostly for me, but Jungkook comes with me, so I can communicate what problems I have and how I want to fix it. We have a good relationship, but there are things I'm not happy about. And it's just about myself.

"Y/n?" A woman walks through the door, calling my name. I stare at her with a quickening heartbeat, then glance to Jungkook to see him standing and smiling down at me. I follow him and walk towards the woman who called me name. "Is this your husband?" She asks me, glancing between the two of us. I smile, shaking my head. "No, Jungkook is my boyfriend."

"Soon to be husband," Jungkook cuts in.

"Engaged, then?" The woman asks, a big smile on her face.

I shake my head at that. "No, not yet," I jokingly poke his side. "But soon," he states, ending the conversation cutely. I give him a look, watching as he gives me a nose scrunch and I melt a bit. "Sweet... please, have a seat, we can get started." The woman takes a seat across the desk, while Jungkook and I sit in the two chairs on the opposite side. "My name is Doctor Kim, I will be acting as your counselor, if you would rather call it that. Let's get started."

I sigh, feeling Jungkook's hand brushing mine, and I try to ease myself.

"How long have the two of you been together?"

I look at Jungkook, seeing as he looks at me as well. So I respond. "Since late September last year. So about six months now," I say, smiling gently at her. She jots down those notes for a few seconds, and I glance around her office briefly. It's bland, like the interior of the waiting room we were just in. The lack of decoration doesn't make me feel exactly comfortable...if I were to see a picture frame, or some other wall art, I think I would feel more confortable here, but there isn't a speck of it. I hate that. "And would you say you two are in love? I know you said how you were not yet engaged, implying it would happen soon, but I want to clarify..."

I nod my head. "Of course. Jungkook and I are hardly separated because of it. I would definitely say that we both feel the same way about each other..." Jungkook chuckles softly at my side and I glance at him, seeing his perfect features smiling. "And you two are sexually active? Is there anything wrong with that?"

I freeze for a second. No, nothing would be wrong...but a few weeks ago when I wore the black lingerie he bought for me, I made that night about him, to thank him and show him my appreciation... but I felt like I didn't do enough for him. I always feel like it's not enough, and I tried to help him that night, make sure it was enough, but I'm insecure I'm not. What if he's hiding that he wants more? Am I so self absorbed about it? I'm terrified that I'm missing what he's trying to tell me, or if he's not trying at all to tell me...

"Uh— No, everything is fine." I hesitate, seeing Jungkook's head turn out of my peripherals, but keeping my eyes directed away from him. Doctor Kim is silent for a second, looking at me like she is aware about what I'm hesitating about. But she quickly takes her notes and continues with the series of questions she's asking.

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