Chapter XXI: Nervous

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After several minutes of finishing up the meal, I hear a knock at the door, and my heart rate quickens by tenfold.

Y/n looks at me, quickly runs over to me and pecks my lips. "Everything is going to be fine," she mutters smiling and walking to the front door. I trail behind her, taking a deep breath before I reach for the handle. She touches my arm gently, smiling at me. I finally turn the doorknob, pulling the door open to see her brother. Y/n quickly envelops him into a hug. Anyone could tell that they were close. It's adorable.

"Hi, Hobi," she says. What a cute nickname. He smiles at her, then turns his attention to me. I try not to put on such a forced smile so I don't look so nervous. I bow lowly to him, then reach my hand out to shake his, and he accepts it. "I'm Hoseok," he says, smiling. Him and Y/n have the same smile...

"Jungkook. Nice to meet you," I respond back, leading him inside. We're about the same height, so I'm not too terrified by him, but he is a bit older than me, so that is intimidating. Other than that, he's got a bright aura, and he seems fun to be around. I just hope I'm right. "Uh, Y/n mentioned that you were a dancer, so I made something a bit healthier for dinner tonight, if that's alright..." I try and make conversation. Y/n smiles at me before she goes over to her brother to lead him into the dining room.

"Yea, that's fine. It looks good," he compliments, taking a seat at the table, where I sit as well. The table is a circular one, so we're all facing each other. It's quite awkward... We all get our food settled in, and I try to ignore the awkward silence that's been brought upon us. Hopefully somebody speaks up.

"How long have you two been seeing each other?" Hoseok does exactly a I hoped he would have.

Y/n glances at me for a second. "It's been a couple weeks... but we really haven't had the chance to go out much. But we're really close." Y/n sends me an adorable smile.

"Is this the same guy you were freaking out over a couple weeks ago?" Hoseok asks. A smirk appears on my lips as I turn to look at my blushing girlfriend. "Didn't you specifically say that your world felt like it was crashing and burning because he knew you liked him?" He teases her.

"Shut up!" Y/n whines at her brother. I laugh at her reaction, loving to see her shy and adorable. We laugh a bit more then it's silent again. Everyone's eating their food again...

"So, Jungkook," Hoseok grabs my attention, "How old are you?"

I sit my fork down, to allow my focus on him. "I just turned twenty-four," I respond.

"So you two are five years apart? That's a little on the edge of much isn't it...? Especially since Y/n isn't a full adult yet." I clear my throat, beginning to feel nervous.

"Hoseok..." Y/n mumbles. I take her hand from under the table, letting her know I'm alright.

"It wasn't my intention to go after a younger girl, truly. Usually in the environment I work in, there are older women, so I assumed she was an adult. I truthfully had no idea she wasn't nineteen." I try to keep my words correct. Having Y/n hold my hand makes me feel much safer, and more comfortable with her touch on my skin.

Hoseok takes a bite of his food. "What's your profession?"

I glance over at Y/n, nervous to answer this question. She smiles at me, squeezing my trembling hand. I didn't realize this question would come up so quickly... "I'm a professor at the university Y/n attends to..."

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