Chapter X: Dinner

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Next day

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Next day.

3:57 P.M.

"Are you sure nobody will notice us?" I ask Jungkook, who's packing up his things into his bag.

He looks at me with a confusing gaze. "Y/n, nobody leaves at this time but me. Half of the staff is gone, and my car is parked in a more typically deserted area. The windows of my car are tinted as well. Nobody will see us leaving together, alright?" He says, smiling at me while caressing my cheek with his thumb.

I'm spending the night at Jungkook's, so he can make dinner, but also so we can have some alone time without worrying about anyone seeing us. It's very stressful trying to stay out of sight from everyone. Especially when my brother noticed my hickey... he was not happy. He pestered me with questions about who he is, how old he is, if he knows him, if he has a criminal record... the same brother interrogation questions when he thinks his sisters in a relationship. Except, it never stops.

I told him nothing about Jungkook. I basically described Jimin to him. I hope Jimin never finds out... Hoseok even tried giving me the talk last night while his friend was there. I almost had to kick him out.

He brought his friend, Yoongi. He's a cool guy actually. If you get past the cold looking aura, he's really sweet and kind of funny. He's a perfect friend for Hoseok actually. He's only a bit older than him, almost a whole ten years older than me though, which makes him feel like a grandpa, is how he described it.

I'm rambling.

"Are you ready, baby?" Jungkook asks, slightly touching my arm while I was zoned out, thinking about all the possibilities about this going wrong. I sound so pessimistic... I look up at him and smile, nodding my head as an affirmative answer, even though I'm very not ready. He grabs my hand in his, and leads me out while still holding my hand. If anyone were to see us, there would be no explanation for his reasoning in holding my hand... he's very bold. Perhaps too much.

We walk through the hallways, surprisingly undetected by any other staff member, or student. Maybe he is right. No one leaves at this time except him... That makes me feel a little bit better...

Walking through the parking lot, Jungkook's hand is pressed against my lower back, leading me to his car. It's a black SUV, and it looks quite expensive... he kindly opens the passenger door for me and my cheeks turn a bit pink at his generous act. He walks around to the drivers seat, and gets in beside me, placing his bag in the back.

Now we're on the way to his house...

I'm incredibly and suddenly nervous. I don't know why it's so nerve wracking I'm going to his house... but at the same time shouldn't it be nerve wracking I'm going to his house? It's exciting that we'll be alone but...we'll be alone... everything's more intimate...not that I don't want our relationship to be intimate, I just don't want to rush things... I really like Jungkook, and I want things to work out.

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