new short story

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hello everyone ! I want to say thank you for all of the support recently on Professor. it really means a lot <3 I'm baffled with the attention it's gotten! it went from nearing 3k reads to 6k+ in two days 🥺 love you all so much

I said earlier on I would be posting a short story (not really a short story) in between this book and another one I'm in the process of making. good news ! it's nearly finished !

I have a sneak peak for those wanting to read it :)


Title: My Type

Character: Jungkook x Reader


"Help me just this once, Y/n...please," Jungkook begs me, practically getting on his knees and clasping his fingers together. I look at him with a confused look.

"And why should I do that?" I ask him.

He's quiet, looking for a way to convince me. His doe eyes looking at me with helpless. But he loses that suddenly, grabbing my attention with his voice. "Because. I can help you get what you want..."

I let out a scoff. "And that is?"


I cross my arms in front of my chest and stare at him perplexed. "You aren't really my type."

"Oh, don't act like you didn't drool over me this morning. I know you want me just as bad as I want you. And since nobody's around, what's stopping us from getting it?"


WARNING. This book includes themes that may not be suitable for other readers, like SEX, ALCOHOL, SMOKING, mention of DRUGS, inappropriate LANGUAGE, talks of MENTAL HEALTH, and tons of INNUENDO. Read at your own risk.


It will hopefully be coming out very soon. follow my account for an update on new books and when it will be posted ! <3

thank you again!

UPDATE: first chapter is uploaded. check it out now!

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