Chapter XLVI: Epilogue

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Three years later...

"You have everything settled?" My mother asks me, holding my hands in between her warm ones. My smile cannot be wiped off my face, because today is going to be so special. I'm beyond excited. I can't do anything but smile and gleam with happiness. "Of course I do. But I'm really nervous, Eomma..." I say, though still bright with a grin.

She purses her lips together, tears gathering. "You're nervous? My baby is so old now. Look at're twenty-two, and so mature and smart. I'm nervous for you..." she answers, a tear slipping from her face. I instantly pull her in for a hug, wrapping my arms around my mothers frail body. I try to console her, but I can't find a way other than hugging her. "Alright you two, enough with the crying. Y/n," Hoseok makes me look at him, "you're going to be fine. Just go up there, smile for some pictures, do your thing, and you're good. I've done this before," he says.

I give him a look. "Yea, like forever ago. I didn't even think you would manage this either..." he punches me in the arm, and I laugh, hitting him back. But Hoseok does pull me in for a hug, sighing in my ear. "I can't believe this, little sister is all grown up..."

"Quit saying that. I'm still in my twenties..." Hoseok shrugs, kissing my forehead, then backing away to give me a good look over. "Still...never liked these dresses..." I roll my eyes.

"Y/n!" I hear my best friends voice call for me, entering the room. My eyes divert, and run to the girl who just walked in, trying not to trip over my heels. "Sugyeong!" I fly into her arms, hugging her tightly as ever, and nearly squeezing the life out of her. "Geez, calm down..." I let her go. "Are you ready?"

"God, no, I'm terrified, yet so excited at the same time," I say, hands shaking.

"Well, of course, you are. So am I. You only graduate from college once...right?" Her question makes me laugh a bit. "But that's not the point. Someone wanted to come see you~," she sings, opening the door. I see a little figure running towards me, and I immediately squat to hold her in my arms. "Gayoon!" I hear her little giggle in my ear and my heart melts. "How are you, my sweetie?"

"Good...Eomma is happy, so I'm happy. Appa is happy too, but he's not going to be with Eomma today..." she explains, her little voice ringing in my ear. "So you get to sit with Appa and watch Eomma get an award??" I ask her. She nods, and I poke her stomach, making her laugh. This is so cute. I can't wait to have one of my own. But that won't be anytime soon...I'm not quite ready, and I hardly have a stable job. But one day soon...

"Have you seen Jungkook yet?" She asks. I give her a look, still not used to her calling him that... the entirety of our four years in college, she has only addressed him as 'Mister Jeon', and only recently did she decide to call him by his first name. It's so weird considering she through a fit the first time I brought it up. "No, he insists that I only see him when we're on the platform. He says he might cry if he sees me before..."

She bursts out laughing. "It's like you two are getting married!" She laughs, picking up Gayoon in her arms. "Might as well... has he still not asked you?" She questions. I shake my head as my answer. "Do you think he will soon...?"

"Sugyeong, I think he would've talked to me before proposing to my sister, and that has not happened," Hoseok says behind us. I shoot him a look before turning back to the girl and her sweet child. "Maybe he's just not ready...I don't blame him, and I'm not going to rush him either. If he doesn't feel ready, than I'm okay with that. He's set on marrying me, don't worry," I explain, smiling and then turning to the toddler.

"Is Auntie Y/n getting married like Eomma a-and Appa did?" She asks adorably. Sugyeong shakes her head. "Not yet, baby..." I remember their wedding... God, it was perfect. Everything was for them and it was beautiful...I want that to happen to me. But I can't rush Jungkook. He knows I'm ready, so maybe he's just waiting a bit longer. Well get there soon enough. The right moment, maybe... "we should get going. They'll be calling our names up soon and we need to find our seats."

Professor - Jungkook ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora