Chapter XXXIV: You are the devil

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8:50 A.M.

"I'm so sleepy," Y/n says to me, her legs dangling off the side of my desk as I type in my computer. I chuckle to myself. She's so cute. Today is our first day back from winter break, and its the start of the spring semester, so she had to wake up early today in order to get ready. "What time did you go to bed last night, sweetheart? I thought I told you to go to bed early..." I tease her.

"I couldn't sleep," she groans. "I'm so used to sleeping with you that it was hard to sleep all by myself. I live alone when I'm not with you..."

I hum. "I know. It was hard not cuddling with you in the morning. I wish you could live with me, baby," I say, patting her thigh with my hand. I've many times explained my dislike to her not being able to live with me. We've been together for nearly four months, and I feel like we could live together. But because she's a student, it would be difficult getting around coming to school together, and leaving. It's one of the disadvantages to having a teacher-student romantic relationship. "Me too... but I'm glad you and I got to actually go out as a couple the past few weeks. It made things feel normal."

I stand from my chair, becoming a bit taller than her eye level and leaning down to peck her lips. She smiles, her hands grazing my jaw before pulling me back into to kiss my lips. So precious... I back away, and give her hip a squeeze.

"I should go find Sugyeong...I haven't seen her all break," she says, hopping off the wooden table and fixing her skirt. I nod, pecking her forehead. She grabs her things and heads to the door. "Bye, Jungkook," she says, reaching for the door handle.

"Bye, baby," I respond with a giant smile on my face. She blows me a kiss before leaving, my heart warm and my stomach full of butterflies. I love her so much.

A few students make their way into my classroom after several minutes, and I greet them all with a smile. There's just a few minutes till school starts and I notice Y/n hasn't returned yet. I don't bother with it and proceed with the work I have in front of me on my computer.

"Good morning, Mister Jeon," a voice catches my attention. I look up and see Aurem. Jesus, I forgot she even existed for a while. I was so happy when she was out of my mind, why is she talking to me again like nothing happened? It's all apart of her plan to get back at Y/n I presume. I give her a forced smile and look away, not bothering to do anything else for her. "Did you have a nice break?" She continues to talk to me even though I very clearly do not.

I do not even look up from my screen and reply. "Yes, I did."

"Oh, really? Did you spend it with anybody...?" Though her words are interrogating, I stand from my chair, walking around my desk.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to start class, so please take a seat, Miss Park," I say, standing in front of the class. She doesn't say another word and gets to her seat like I asked. I notice Y/n is in her seat with Sugyeong next to her. I still haven't told her about what happened with Aurem. I didn't want to worry her, or make her stress out about Aurem trying to get back at her still. I'll tell her sometime soon, I don't know when though. "Class is starting," I announce to the class.

I think this will be a good day if Aurem ever gets off my back.

2 P.M.

I smile at my phone as I text Y/n. I finished with all of my classes, and she's nearly back to her dorm since she has a schedule change. She didn't want to stop by today just because it would look too suspicious, and I told her I was fine.

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