Chapter IV: Let me

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12:24 P.M.

Mister Jeon's POV.

It's been nearly two weeks since I admitted to Y/n that she's cute. God, I can't believe I actually told her that. Why did I even admit to that in the first place? She's my student, and not to mention she's only eighteen. Well, nearly nineteen, but that's not the point. If anyone finds out that I called my own student that, I could very well almost lose my job. I hope I didn't make her uncomfortable...

Did I think she was cute? Yes, of course, I did. She's sweet, and polite, and very intelligent. Who wouldn't like someone like that. But I have to be careful. Y/n did say her friend noticed my attitude toward her. So I need to be cautious. No more randomly talking to her. Though I want to... Maybe if I just talk to every student more, it will look normal. I teach a lot of students. And I'm not even interested in them like the interest I have toward Y/n. She's too intriguing, more than any student I've taught.

Not to mention how obvious I was when I called Jiho out. What a stupid mistake... But I couldn't just let that son of a bitch touch Y/n like that. Especially because she's so young. And the way he looked at her — he looked like an animal staring at her like that, licking his lips like that. I wanted to throat punch him then and there. But it is not my place.

I wonder if Y/n has any attraction toward me... No, I can't for any reason like my student. It's illegal, and against school policies. I could lose my job. She could get expelled. I can't do that to her. Especially with her having such a bright future ahead of her. I cannot let my emotions get in the way of things. I need to push aside my feelings.

Anyway, aside from me liking my own student — or rather not liking my's lunch time, and I'm starved. My mouth waters at the thought of my lunch I prepared myself. It's salad with an assortment of veggies on top and a delicious dressing I made. I can't wait to taste it. I'm on my way to the cafeteria to grab my lunch from the kitchen fridge, then I notice Y/n, standing alone. She looks like she has no where to sit. Where's her friend?

It would be a bad idea to invite her to eat lunch with me again, especially after what happened those weeks ago. I walk to the refrigerator, quickly grabbing the bowl I have labeled, 'J. Jungkook,' and hurry to try to get back to my classroom to dig into it. I can see through the clear lid the amazing veggies I had placed on there.

As soon as I leave the kitchen, I spot Y/n again...with someone else. Choi Jiho. His arm swings around her shoulder, and Y/n noticeably stiffens up. I can see her uncomfortable figure from where I'm standing though she's on the opposite side of the lunchroom. Jiho then drags his pointer finger under her chin, lifting her head to meet his eyes. She slightly pushes at his chest, giving them a distance, and my fist unclenches a bit. She says something to him, which I can't quite figure out, and he laughs. She looks as if she's trying to leave, but Jiho pulls her back by the wrist, yanking her back into his grasp. Her face is an unreadable expression, as he grazes her face with his dirty fingers.

I walk over there as quickly as I could, clenching my fist again. My anger thickens every second I move closer, seeing her look so uncomfortable and shy in his hold. She looks terrified. "Is there a problem here, Miss Jung?" I ask the two, clenching my jaw, as I stare down the boy who's basically holding the girl against her will. Jiho gently releases Y/n, and she backs up nearly running next to me. It makes me soften, yet makes me want to beat the shit out of him.

"I don't think it's any of your business, Jeon," he says quite disrespectfully. The way he speaks to me only makes my urge to knock out a few of his teeth stronger. He's never been this crude before, it makes me nervous for what he's really willing to do. As the people quiet down around us, I take a step closer to the boy, eyes in the lunchroom staring holes into our backs. "It is my business if it means you're assaulting another student. Especially one who's significantly younger than you."

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