Chapter XXXV: Breakup

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9 P.M.

Y/n's POV

I finished all of my work, and Sugyeong just left back to her dorm. Now I can happily talk with Jungkook. I've been waiting to all night. I won't be able to visit him frequently until a few weeks into the semester, so we can't talk as much sadly, so I'm dependent on these calls before I go to bed. I miss his voice. We were together all the time the past month, and now we aren't. It takes a bit to get used to.

But I want to text him before I call.

Jungkook Oppa 💕

[hi Jungkookie! 💜>


Oh. He seems off. He usually sends a heart, or calls me an endearing name, but right now, he didn't. Is he okay? Maybe he's stressed? I'll ask...

[are you feeling okay?>
[you usually say something cute or send an emoji...>

[was your day bad?>

<can we talk?]

[sure! You can tell me anything>

<actually Y/n]

<let's break up.]

My heart stops. What? Why is he saying this? Surely, he can't be serious? No, he has to be joking... he's not being serious, he's messing around. That's all.

[Jungkook are you messing with me?>

[is everything okay, seriously?

<I'm being serious.]
<let's break up.]

[where is this coming from??>
[Jungkook, talk to me, did I do something?>
[is this some kind a of sick joke, because it's not funny, I don't like it.>

<please, Y/n, don't make this harder than it already is]
<we can't be with each other]
<I'm sorry]

[this isn't right, stop this.>
[please, let's talk this through>

<I've made my decision.]

[after everything you're just gonna throw this away?>
[i would give everything up for you, please Jungkook>
[don't do this. Don't do this to me.>
[dont end this over text.>
[dont fucking do that to me>
[if you ever loved me you would talk to me. You would explain this. You loved me, I know you did don't try and tell me that what we have is nothing to you.>

[Jungkook, please>

<I'm sorry. I can't give you anything right now]

[you gave me your love.>
[i love you so much, why are you doing this to me?>

<y/n...stop. please.]

[no, not until you tell me why you're breaking up with me. We were fine today, we were fine last month. we've always been fine!>

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