Chapter XXII: Sexual frustration

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I'm sitting alone in my dorm, which is quite odd. Someone is always typically with me. Sugyeong had left only an hour ago, and Hoseok is busy working so he can't stop by... I've done all my work, and now I'm bored. I don't like being by myself's ironic because I chose to move out and onto campus. I've been spending so much time with Jungkook that I've gotten used to his presence

I want to talk to him...

Jungkook Oppa 💕

[hi ❤️>

It takes him a few minutes to respond, but he does. He's probably I feel bad for bothering him. But I'll ask him what he's doing first.

<hi, my sweet girl 🥰]

[i was wondering what you were up to... nobody's with me and I felt lonely ☹️>

< you want to call? I can only talk for a few minutes tho. I have loads of work to do. But I need a break anyway 😁💕]

[yes, please!>

I wait for his contact name to pop up on my screen, and when it does, excitement fills up my body. My heart thumps a bit faster, and I immediately press the green button to answer the call. "Hi, baby," his groggy voice rings through my ear. It was not what I was expecting. He sounds very sexy right now, and it's going to provoke something in me that I can't act on.

"Hi," I mutter. "How was your day today?" I ask, starting up a conversation with him, more concerned of why he sounds tired...yet sexy. He hums into the microphone, making me think about him making that noise in other situations... "it was busy today. But seeing your face made it all the better. How was yours, babygirl?" I can't cope with his voice like that. When he calls me that...ugh, it's going to be the end of me. I feel all tingly inside when he says it. And even more now with the way his voice sounds.

"It was good...I missed you today...I missed you a lot, actually," I speak into the phone, hoping he understand what I mean. Which is...I want to be near him in this moment. I want his lips on me.

He chuckles. "Don't say things like that, you're going to make me need to be with you all of the time. Is that what you want?"


He guffaws and is quiet for only a second, then speaks. "Is my baby needy...?" His voice turns a bit to tease me. "Maybe a little..." He sighs, and it's like music to my ears. "I wish I could be there to help you...we only have to wait a few more days, sweetheart."

"I know, I hate it. Why do I have to be so young?" I complain.

"There's nothing wrong with your age, baby. And there's nothing wrong with you. But I promised your brother, so I have to be accountable of it now..." Jungkook explains to me yet again why I can't. I understand why, it's just frustrating. I'm sexually frustrated. I can't imagine what he feels. "He didn't say you couldn't talk to me..."

Jungkook's deep chortle runs through my ear. "We are talking."

"You know what I mean."

"What would you like for me to say to you?" He asks, making me gnaw in my lower lip. This man is making me all hot and bothered, I don't know how to handle it. It's making me excited and I need him next to me. "Would it ease you if I moaned into the phone?"

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