6. His Mother

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"You really want to know who your mother was so badly? The only thing she gave you was her last name, you are a nobody and she didn't care. She gave you up without a second thought, even she could tell how useless you were and didn't want you. So be grateful I at least care enough to not throw you in the sea. Just shut up and do your work Ackerman."

"You know I heard that his father raped his mother, that's why she gave him away."

"Really? I heard his father killed her parents first, he was a thief."

"Yes, yes. And she was only ten as well. And he took her right next to her dead parents. She became both an orphan and a mother that day."

"A boy like him, coming from a place like that. He was cursed long before he was born. Why is he here? He will bring doom to all of us, the captain should throw him in the sea."

"His place is in Davy Jones locker."

"Not even death will want to take him. Look at him, I feel dirty just looking at him. His father a rapist, a killer and a thief and now his son a pirate. So disgusting."




"Let's do to the son what the father did to his mother."


Why didn't I kill her? Fuck if I know. It was so easy to lie and say I did it because she had valuable information but in the moment I was so angry I didn't care. So it wasn't her information that kept me from throwing her into Davy Jones locker. What an annoying dove this brat is... She just sat on the bed with her legs crossed looking at me like an idiot, as if waiting from me to answer her questions and not the other way around.

"So, will you start?" I crossed my arms.

"Sure..." she sighed. I already know she will lie to me, I just need to be careful to notice what those lies are, maybe I can find some truth behind them since she is willing to die for them and I can't kill her. What an annoying brat. "She didn't give you up because she didn't want you, she loved you." truth. "You were taken away from her." lies.

"How? " maybe the way will stay the same.

"One night you got taken away by a pirate, Uri Reiss, the kings brother." truth.

"I already know that, he raised me on this ship under the captains supervision. Until I started a mutiny and killed the bastard along with his followers." she titled her head.

"You did? I didn't know that. Why? "

"That's none your business, dove." I grabbed my cup of tea from the desk behind me. "Continue."

"... I don't know what else to tell you honestly..." you have a lot more to tell me, you are just hiding it from me. "She cared about you, a lot. She talked about you almost everyday, she really wanted to see you again."

"How old was she when she had me? " the question I feared to ask the most, because if what they said was true I don't know what I'll do to her to hear the name of my father.

"That's what you are curious about?" she seemed genuinely surprised.

"Just answer the question."

"Twenty four." I flinched.

Twenty four... That's...

"Are you sure?" I glared at the brat.

"Yes, she was fourty nine when she disappeared." she is telling the truth.

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