33. The Missing Captain

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I'm so stupid, I shouldn't have told him. Telling him was the biggest mistake I could have possibly made. 'Hey Levi, the king is your dad who happened to kill your entire family just to find you, hope you don't do anything stupid with that information!' Seriously, how stupid could I be to actually tell him that? I'm such an idiot.

He's been gone for hours! Isabel, Farlan, Erwin, Hange... No one knows where he is. They told me the places he likes to go to and he is not there! The sun is up, I've been awake all night and he is nowhere to be found! I'm so stupid... So stupid...

I sat on the bed looking out at the blue sky, I'm tired and my body feels ready to rest. I cried for hours, add searching for hours for the man and I feel like I'm ready to pass out. I don't want to sleep, I want to go look for him but I feel like shit. Maybe he went to find Kenny? I don't know...

I felt my eyes closing and I fell on the bed, maybe with a clear head I'll be able to think more clearly.


"You still didn't find him? " I asked Isabel, the next night came and still, nothing.

"No... What happened between you two? Did you have a fight? "

"If we had a fight I wouldn't be acting this way. "

"Maybe if you tell us what happened we'll able to help you." Farlan tried.

"No, that's how I got in this mess in the first place." I shook my head and left the tavern.

His sword is still by my side and I'll spend all night looking for him if I have to. I went through the alleys of the town, people were stopping me asking me to spend the night with them but I ignored them, some others simply wanted a fight, some others were trying to form words but were too drunk and only made sounds. Stupid pirates... Why can't they be more like Levi?

I shook my head and kicked a man that grabbed my leg. I made it to a small opening and looked around me again. My heart was beating fast, my mind light focused on one purpose, find my captain. Where is he?

"Hey! " I heard a man behind and rolled my eyes turning around. "I know you... You are wanted by the king! " it was a royal guard and was pointing at me.

"Everyone in this town is wanted by that pig, go play with someone else." I shook my head but he pulled out his sword.

"You are a priority miss." he came towards me but I pulled out my sword and dodged his attack.

My sword entered his chest and he fell to the ground with a yell. I wiped the blood off the sword on his shoulder and resumed my walking. I don't have time for any of them. As I walked I saw Jean wondering with Sasha and Connie and run up to them.

"Guys! Hey! " they looked at me and smiled.

"Hi (Y/N), what's up?" Sasha asked.

"Umm... Nothing. Have you seen Levi? "

"The captain? No, we haven't. Did something happen? "

"No... Nothing. Thank you." I nodded and left without saying anything else.

They called my name but I didn't turn back. I need to find this man. I hope he doesn't do something stupid. I kept walking through the town only to be disappointed every time I noticed someone with black hair, but they were never the one I was looking for.

"Please... Don't tell anyone about this." I heard Kuchel's voice in my head.

I promised her I would never tell anyone and I went ahead and told everything to the one person that should never know.

"Don't you want to look for your son? "

"Of course I do... How I wish I could see him, how he is doing... What he looks like... But if I do that I'm afraid I'll put him in danger. And he'll ask me questions, I don't even want to think about what would happen if he were to learn who his father is."

"I'm really sorry this happened... But I'm sure he is alright."

"You have no way of knowing that... I just... I wish I could have done things differently back then... Today is his birthday... And the only thing I can do is cry."

I stopped walking to catch my breath. I didn't even realize I was running and leaned against the wall. Slowly my body went lower until I sat on the ground. I looked through the town three times already, I'm tired, I feel guilty and there's nothing I can do. Everything I do just seems to make things worse.

Maybe it would have been better if Levi killed me that day.



Sitting next to the window, I heard the fainted scream of someone in the distance. No one else seemed to notice in the great hall as the musicians kept playing their music. The violin loud and in the center of the melody. The room seemed to grow dark, the figures around me turning grey and lifeless yet the music remained loud and clear. Another scream, further away this time yet I still heard it, the idea of going to help or tell someone not once crossed my mind.

I looked at the man playing the violin, a white mask on his face, the eyes black, the smile upside down. His fingers run across the instrument on his shoulder, another scream reached my ears. From the tips of his fingers came black smoke and those around me turned to ash falling on the ground. I heard another scream.

And another.

And another.

The man kept playing his instrument unfazed, his fingers bleeding, the tiny red drops on the ground seemed to be the only color in the room. His mask seemed to come closer and closer to me even though he was standing on his spot. I heard another scream next to my ear and blinked.

The room had color again, the people in front of me stood on their feet looking excited and happy. I glanced outside the window seeing a man on the ground, his head split in half, surrounded by a puddle of blood. The music was loud, no one had noticed his screams of pain before his death.

I was that man. In the blink of an eye he was gone from the grass, leaving behind nothing but a small circle of dead flowers. My eyes closed behind the mask, my fingers kept going up and down the strings of my instrument. I could smell something burning in the air, I heard screams. The room was burning red from the fire, those around me turned to ashes and still there I stood, playing my music in the burning hall, my final notes their dying breaths. They wouldn't be heard over my music, only I would know of them.

My end would be theirs as well.

A shadow faced me beyond the flames, the music loud and clear. The melody of the shadow complementing my own like a puzzle piece. The ashes danced to our tune and the fire kept burning.

"Alas, the master has fallen an apprentice to the art." the shadow spoke yet the voice was not heard, only the music echoed through the fire.

"A master of the art is a master non the less, if the art is superior or not it's not up to me to decide. " the mask replied yet only the music was heard through the fire, the ashes still dancing between the burning flames.

"Fallen dead to a ridiculous end, I never would have thought I'd find another fool, dying over something as ridiculous as art, enslaved to it for all eternity. "

"Than from one fool to another, let me share this eternal duet with you. "


I don't know, I got bored. ^

Very short chapter but I don't have anything else to add to this. I just wanted to show the stress (Y/N) had as she looked for Levi, nothing else. Next chapter will be longer.



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