17. Crows Nest

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Life is pain and pain comes from living, for you can't feel the pain unless your heart is beating and your mind is working. Many desire the sweet release of death when the pain becomes more than they can handle. I too now, desire the sweet release of death...


"When will this end? " I whined again.

"Come on (Y/N), it's not that bad." Mikasa smiled from next to me.

"Speak for yourself." I groaned and put the cloth back in the bucket.

We are cleaning the quarter deck as ordered by the all mighty Captain clean freak. Why are we cleaning the deck when there is water constantly on it from the sea? I don't buy the 'it's for the wood' excuse. I'm sure Levi just likes to make us suffer.

"Why don't you take a break?" Mikasa suggested and I sighed.

"If he sees me taking a break again he will make me clean the whole ship by myself." I grabbed the cloth and went back to cleaning. It's not fair that Sophia and Liam get the mops. "When will we reach that island anyway?" I wondered.

"It's not that far away." Eren said. "We should be there in a few hours,  maybe a day if the weather is bad but so far it's clear skies all around. "

"Does the island have a name?" I kept rubbing the wood. "Or do you just call it 'home'?"

"It does have a name, we simply call it home because it's easier." Eren shrugged. "Levi named it Abella." I raised my head when I heard that.

"Abella? Doesn't that mean beauty or something? "

"There is a word similar to that that means beauty," Eren nodded. "But Abella specifically is a name, it was the name of Levi's first love-"

"Eren! " Mikasa threw her cloth at him and he panicked.

"U-um... Oops? Forget I said that last part! " the brunette turned to me and I smiled.

"Don't worry Eren, I won't get you in trouble."

"Thank you." he smiled and threw Mikasa's cloth back at her and we went back to cleaning.

Abella... Is that the girl he said he killed?

Out of nowhere I felt a something landing on my shoulder and I looked. I saw Zeke sitting there smiling at me.

"Sorry little guy, I don't have any more food to give you."

"Huh-Uh. " he jumped on the floor and kept staring at me.

I patted his head.

"No matter how much you keep staring food won't appear out of nowhere, I'm afraid. "

"Oi! " I felt someone kicking my butt and looked up to see Levi standing behind me. "Should we turn the stairs into a couch for your ass? Why are you always sitting here? "

"Because it's nice ." I smiled.

"Tch, let's go to bed, it's late." he said and walked past me.

"You can go, I'm not really sleepy." I didn't stand from my spot and he kept looking at me.

"You are not? "

"No. " I shrugged. "Go, I'll come later."

"Tch." he looked to the side and mumbled something like 'annoying dove'. I wouldn't be surprised.

"I can come if you want us to-"

"No." he shook his head. "I'm not in the mood for that, I'll see you inside." he patted my head once and went to his room.

The Captain. {Levi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now