Chap. 50

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Chapter 50

(Kristen's POV)

Today is the day everyone comes in town.

I'm super excited to see everyone. Sadly Allie isn't coming up, her and my dad haven't made up so he is coming with my mom and Jason. Melissa and Phil have a later flight, and they are taking the twins and Jackson with them.

"I got a text from my dad saying they just boarded the plane and should be here soon."

"Okay, cool." Gavin smiles and kisses me. I kiss him back and we walk out of his room.

"Are you wearing my clothes?" He asks and I laugh.

"Yeah, I guess I am." I smile and walk upstairs. When we get up Gavin wraps his arms around me and lifts me up.

"I love you!" He says and kisses my cheek. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his cheek.

"Love you too." I rest my head on his shoulder and he tosses me onto the couch.

"Please stop doing that." I say and sit up.

"I'm sorry, is the princess tired of being tossed on the couch."

"Yes! I am!" I cross my arms and pull my knees to my chest. Gavin wraps his arms around me again and moves me onto his lap.

"You aren't funny Gavin."

"Actually I am." He laugh and kisses behind my ear. I move my face away from him and smile.

"You're a little funny, I'll give you that." He interlocks his fingers together and sets them on my stomach. I put my hands on top of his and look at my phone.

"Where is your dad?"

"I don't know." He laughs and I sigh.

"Shay! Are you in here!"

"No! I'm sleeping!" I sigh and look down the hall.

"No you aren't, come out here!" He laughs and runs out.

"My dad texted me about twenty minutes ago saying they just got on the plane." Shay nods and leaves the living room.

"You two are so cute, and Gavin is really funny." Shay says and kisses both of our heads.

"Yessss!" Gavin yells and laughs.

"You're so stupid, of course your dad would say you're funny. You are just like him." Gavin shrugs and rests his chin in my shoulder.

"I'm still funny." We both laugh and turn the tv on.

(Allison's POV)

I close my suitcase and look at the empty house. Charles has the kids today so it is silent.

I roll my bag out into the living room and pet Chico's head.

"Ready to go to Ceciley's house?" He barks and I kiss his head. I look around the house and see nothing of Jason's left, he's really gone...

I walk into the kitchen and get a snack before I have to leave.

"Ready Pico?" I grab his leash and put it on him. I grab my bag and roll it out to the car with Chico following. I put my bag in the trunk and go to the door to lock it.

I get Chico in the back and start the car.

"Here I come Idaho." I sigh and back out of the driveway. I drop Chico off at Ceciley's house and drive the Charles'. I sit in my car for a few minutes before I work up the nerve to go to the door.

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