Chap. 54

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Chapter 54

(Kristen's POV)

Gavin got out of surgery and is just going into recovery.

"When can we go see him?" I ask and start getting anxious.

"Soon Kristen." My mom says and I sigh.


"Gavin Butlers family." A nurse calls out. Shay, Colette and I stand up.

"His parents only." She says. I look at Shay and Colette and frown.

"Kristen." My mom says and I turn around. She pats the seat I was sitting in and I sit back down.

"I just want to see him." I say and pull my knees to my chest. She nods and sighs.

"You'll see him soon." I nod and mess with my phone. Noah sets down his iPad and walks over to me.

"Hi Noah." I set my legs down and he climbs into my lap.

"Hi mommy." I kiss his head and take out my camera.

"Wanna vlog with me?" He nods and I stand up. I walk outside with him and turn my camera on.

"Gavin got out of surgery a while ago and is in recovery. Shay and Colette are seeing him now then I will get to go in and see him. It's been 7 hours since I've seen him last and it's weird. I know there's been a point where I haven't seen him for two year but it's been a while since then." I look down at Noah and he takes the camera from me.

"Be careful." I say and he nods. He starts saying random things to the camera and I start laughing. I pick him up and smile at the camera.

"Turn it off." I say to him and he covers it up with his hand. I laugh and kiss his head.

"Press that button." I point to it and he presses it. The camera turns off and I take it from him.

"I love you." I kiss his cheek and walk back inside with him.

"Love you too." He smiles and I set him down. My mom lifts him up and hugs him. Shay walks down the hall and over to me.

"How is he?"

"He just woke up, do you want to come back?"

"Am I allowed to?" He nods and I go back to Gavin's room.

"Hi Gavin." I say quietly and he smiles at me.

"Hi Kristen." I walk inside and sit next to him.

"How do you feel?" He shrugs and I kiss him.

"I love you."

"Love you too." He kisses me back and I take out my camera to vlog.

"Gavin's awake and tell them how you feel."

"I feel ok, I can't really feel my wrist and ankle though." I smile at him and kiss him.

"Show them your wrist." He slowly lifts it up and shows the camera.

"I pretty much shattered my entire wrist so they had to do surgery on all of it." He laughs and lifts up his leg.

"And there's my ankle." He laughs and I turn the camera off. I grab his hand and look down.

"I'm glad you're ok." I say quietly.

"Me too." He says and smiles at me. I look away from him and wipe my eyes.

"Kristen, stop. Please." Gavin says and grabs my hand. I pull my hand away and stand up. I wipe my eyes and look at Gavin.

"I'm sorry." I say getting choked up. He laughs and looks over at Colette.

"When will you be able to leave? Have they told you?" He shakes his head and I look at Colette. She also shakes her head and sighs.

"Probably two months, maybe three." Colette guesses. I sigh and look at him.

"I guess we are going to be up here a while longer." I say laughing. Gavin smiles and looks at the door. I turn around and see the doctor.

"As you can tell, the surgery went great, everything should heal properly and we can start therapy in a week."

"When will he be able to leave?" I ask impatiently.

"In three weeks we take the stitches out and you can either bring him back and forth or keep him here for about three months." Colette and I both nod and I look at Gavin.

"The house is too far, I'd rather stay here." Gavin says.

"You can go home if you want too Kris, my parents can watch me." I shake my head and smile at him.

"I'm staying here, my parents will go back sometime this week." He nods and I kiss his head.

"Get some sleep." I say and put my hand on the side of his face. He smiles at me and grabs my hand.

"Are you leaving?"

"I'm just going to talk to my parents to let them know what's going on." He nods and I stand up. I walk out of his room and to the waiting room.

"Mommy!" Noah yells and runs to me.

"Hi buddy!" I lift him up and kiss his head.

"How's Gavin?" My mom asks.

"He's good, um, he has to stay here for about three months, I'm going to stay up with him and you guys can go whenever."

"I'm glad he's ok, do you want us to take Noah?" I shake my head.

"No, I'll keep him up here, when will you guys leave?"

"We will still leave Friday, did they say anything else?" I shake my head and sit next to her.

"Where's dad?"

"He went to get food." I nod and look over at Noah.

"Do you want to see daddy?" Noah nods and runs to me.

"You going to come?" My mom shakes her head and I stand up.

"I'm going to find your father." I nod and walk to Gavin's room.

"Hi Noah." Gavin says and Noah smiles. I set him down and he runs over to Gavin.

"Hi daddy!" I sit next to Gavin and hold Noah in my lap.

"Feel any different?" Gavin shakes his head and I nod. I hold his hand and Noah crawls onto his bed.

"Be careful Noah." I warn and Noah lays down next to him.

"Sorry." He says and I kiss his head. Colette smiles at me and Noah.

"How do you feel?" Colette asks me.

"I feel great today." I laugh and look at Gavin.

"I felt great before I was stupid and tried doing a flip." He laughs and kisses Noah's head. Noah cuddles closer to him and falls asleep. Gavin looks down at him and smiles.

"Why is he so cute?" Gavin whispers.

"He got it from you." I whisper back and kiss him.

This is a shorter chapter

The next chapter will be the day he leaves

April 14 will be the date

Kristen will be 5 months

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