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Chapter 31
(Kristen's POV)

"Wait, that means he doesn't have chemo." I feel myself about to cry of happiness.

"Yep, the doctors said nothing really set it off, it was just random."

"I can't believe this! Text me when you get home so Gavin and I can bring the twins over."

"Will do, bye."

"Bye." I hang up and and clap my hands.

"Exciting news everyone!" I yell and run into Gavin's arms. He hugs me and kisses my head.

"I'm so glad." He smiles and everyone comes into the kitchen. I walk over to my mom and hug her,

"Dad doesn't have to do chemo." She hugs me tighter and kisses my head. I pull away and go over to Chaz and Anna.

"We got some news from Allie." Chaz looks at Anna then at me. I grab both of their hands and smile at them.

"Dad doesn't have to do chemo, the seizure was just random." Chaz hugs me and so does Anna.

"Isn't this great? Allies going to text me so I know when to bring you two over."

"Aren't you happy?" Chaz nods and they both pull away from me.

"You can't be loud when we go see him though, you hear me?" They both nod and I kiss their heads. I stand back up and smile at my mom.

"I told you not to worry." She says and smiles.

"You know it's what I do."

"I should know, you've done it for nine years."

"My ten years of being with you guys is coming up, we should do something for it?"

"Like what? Throw a party?"


"Why would we do that?"

"Because I had to put up with you two for ten years." Alli punches my arm and laughs.

"That sounded so nice." She smiles and I rub my arm.

"Screw you." She hugs me and kisses my head.

"I hope my head smells like blood."

"It doesn't." She smiles and leaves the kitchen. I turn to Gavin and smile at him.

"When can I take this bandage off?"

"Once you take it off, you'll have a shaved patch."

"Beanie weather!" I grab the closest beanie and slide it over my head.
He takes it off and kisses me.

"You're adorable." I walk over to the couch and sit down.

"I want Allie to call me!"

"Kristen, be quiet. Noah is sleeping!" I sit up and smile at Gavin.

"Sorry?" He laughs and comes to sit next to me.

"If you woke him up I'm going to be so mad." I smile and kiss him. Jason comes in the garage door with Jackson.

"We brought dinner!" Jackson yells and the twins run down the steps.

Alli comes from her office and smiles at Jason.

"Hi babe." She kisses him and looks over at me. I cringe and she laughs.

"You do it all the time with Gavin, no difference." She kisses Jason and smiles. Gavin laughs and goes to get Noah. I sit at the table next to Jackson and smile at him.

College Life (a CTFxC fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now