Chap. 46

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Chapter 46

(Kristen's POV)

-continuing from chapter 44-

I woke up at 10 and I'm trying my best to stay in my room, but I'm starving. It's 12 now. I'm scared to go downstairs because of what happened last night.

There's a knock at my door and I cover my head with a blanket.

"Kristen? I brought you some breakfast." Allie says and I slowly remove the blanket from over my head. I sit up and look at her. She sets the tray on my desk and comes over to sit by me. I look away from her when she comes over here.

"I saw the picture you ripped, d-did you mean it? That you don't care for me anymore?" I look away from her and blink backs tears.

"At that moment I did, but now I feel horrible about it." I stand up without saying anything else and I walk over to the tray of food.

"Kristen, did you mean it? Just a simple yes or no."

"Like I said, at that moment I meant it but now that I'm talking to you I don't think I could ever NOT care about you." She stands up and walks over to me.

"I love you, and I'm glad I got to be your stepmom." I turn to face her and I hug her. She hugs me back and kisses my forehead.

"Come down when you finish eating." I nod and she leaves my room. I take the tray of food to my bed and start eating. I grab my camera and start filming.

"Good morning Internet! I'm just having breakfast in bed as I read yesterday's comments on the vlogs." I take a bite of my bacon and continue to vlog. I turn off my camera and go on my laptop. I finish editing the vlog for today and start uploading it.

"Kristen?" Melissa knocks on the door.

"Come in." She opens the door
Then closes it.

"What time are you going to Alli's?" I shrug and finish my food. She sits next to me and I lay my head on her shoulder.

"Gavin can pick me up in an hour."

"Ok. Want me to take the tray down?" I nod and she smiles. She grabs the tray and leaves my room. I text Gavin and tell him to come in an hour.

I get up and get dressed. I get a pair of black leggings and a long shirt. I put on light makeup and slide my Uggs on. I curl my hair and bobby pin it back.

I grab my phone and camera then walk downstairs. I get a bottle of water and start drinking.

"Allie wants to speak to you before you leave." Charles says and I nod. I walk into their bedroom and smile at Allie.

"What's up?"

"Be careful at your moms, I mean you haven't seen her in a while and I just don't want her to hurt you."

"She won't hurt me. I talked to her last night and she apologized." Allie nods and messes with her nails.

"I just want you to be careful, ok?"

"Okay Allie!" I sing and leave her room.

"I love you Kristen!"

"Love you too Allie!" I laugh and get a text from Gavin.

"Gavin's coming in for a second!" I tell my dad and Melissa.

"Ok." I open the front door and see Gavin.

"No Noah?"

"No, he's at Maker." I nod and close the door once he comes inside.

I look up at him and hug him. He hugs me back then let's go. I continue to hug him and he rubs my back.

College Life (a CTFxC fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant