Im coming home

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Chapter 25

(Kristen's POV)

Today is Noah's second birthday. I've been with the Butlers in Idaho for most of the time he's been gone.

I went down when Allie was due. She had a little girl so, like she promised, she named her Paisley Rose Trippy. My dad and Allie got married in January of 2023.

He invited my mom but a week before they got into a huge fight. She was uninvited to the wedding and now they aren't talking.

We are having a little party for Noah and all of the Butlers are coming.

I get up from the bed and check on Noah. He's still asleep so I go downstairs without waking him up.

I get myself some cereal and sit at the table. Colette comes down and smiles at me.

"Hi Kristen."

"Hi." I continue to eat my food and Shay also comes down.

"Ready to go Colette?"

"Where are you guys going?" Shay smiles at me.

"We are going to get a gift for Noah."

"Oh you don't have to!"

"We kind of do." I smile and they get their shoes on.

"Mind watching the kids?"

"Not at all." They smile and leave. I walk back upstairs to get Noah.

"Noah! You're awake!" He giggles and reaches for me. I lift him out of bed and walk downstairs with him. I set him in his booster seat and get some cereal.

He smiles at me and starts eating.

I sit next to him and kiss his head.

"Happy birthday buddy."

"Thank you!" He giggles and continues to eat. I go on my phone to check notifications. I pull out my camera and start to film.

"Hey guys! The birthday boy's up and eating!" He giggles and reaches for the camera.

"Noah how old are you going to be?" He holds up two fingers and giggles.

"How many is that?"

"Two!" He puts his hand down and finishes his bowl.

"He's going to be two years old today." I kiss his head and turn off the camera.

Avia eventually comes down and gets food.

"Where are my parents?"

"They went to get Noah's birthday present." She nods and sits next to me.

"You know the two years are almost over." I nod and smile at her.

"Yep, he's going to be home soon." The rest of the kids slowly come down and get food then head back up. I let Noah run around while I lay on the couch. He screams and runs around the house.

"Noah! Be quieter!" He runs over to me and hugs me. I kiss his head and smile,

"You can go play." He smiles and sits on the carpet. He looks around the room and turns to face me.

I smile at him and push his hair back.

"I love you."

"Love you too!" He stands up and climbs up on the couch. He lays on top of me and plays with my hair.

"Noah I have a question for you." He looks at me with his big blue eyes. I take out my camera and sit up on the couch. I sit Noah in my lap so he faces the camera.

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