Catch up chapter

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Chapter 34

(Charles' POV)

- flashback of when Alli found out about the text from Allie -

(Some things will be changed just in case you are wondering why it's different)

Since today is the last day of warped we are going to the beach.

I look around at everyone and they seem so happy, but I'm not. There's this girl I know that lives in Myrtle Beach. Her name is Allie Wesenburg. I've hooked up with her when Alli wasn't at warped.

"Ok guys, ready to play our last show?!" Travis tells which brings me out of my thoughts. I stand up and we all start heading to the stage.

"Charles, what's wrong babe?" I smile at Alli and give her a long kiss.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." She smiles and goes backstage. I go into the trailer with the rest of the band and we grab our instruments. We stand in a huge circle and start our chant,

"Get the fuck outta my face, get the fuck outta my face, WOO, get the fuck outta my face, get the fuck outta my face. I see muthafuckin pride and I see muthafuckin power, and I see a bitch made motherfucker who takes a whole lotta shit from everybody. LET'S GET TROPICAL!"

We go out on stage and play our show perfectly. I look over at the sidelines and she Alli smiling at me. I suddenly get a pit of guilt in the bottom of my stomach.

After the show everyone heads back to the bus but I stay around warped. Allie is supposed to meet me here so we can see our plans for tonight. I suddenly see a beautiful, tall blonde and I know it's her.

"Allie." I call and she turns my way.

"Charles, you did great in your show."

"Thanks." I smile and look around.

"We need to find somewhere better to talk, there are so many people here." She nods and follows me around warped.

"Over here." I point behind a few buildings and she nods. We walk over there and she hugs me.

"I've missed you." I hug her back as all the guilt rushes away.

"I missed you too." I give her a kiss and we talk for a little bit.

"Ok sounds good, see you later." She nods and we walk different ways.

I go back on the bus and sit next to Alli and Kristen.

"What took you so long?"

"I signed a few things for some fans." Alli nods and kisses me. We all sit in the back lounge for a while.

"How about we go to the beach!" We all nod and stand up to change. Our bus is right by the beach so it's perfect.

After everyone changes we all walk to the beach. I sit with the boys and Alli and Kristen sit with the girls and the twins.

Travis takes out his camera and I vlog for him. After a while I feel my phone buzz and I know it's Allie. The girls are in the water so I got up and wiped off my shorts.

"I'll go get us all subs from publix."

"Ok have fun!" The guys said and I leave. I walk a few blocks and take out my phone to see where Allie is. I text her and she texts me right back. I smile and walk to her car. She gets out and hugs me.

"Good to see you again." I nod and kiss her.

"We have a few hours to do whatever then I have to get back to the beach." She nods and we get in her car. She drives us to her house and we get out. She grabs my hand and we walk inside.

(This is where he gets her pregnant but I'm not explaining that)

After an hour with Allie I decide I should leave. She drives me to publix so I can get the subs for everyone. She then drops me off at the place we met.

"I'll see you soon." She nods and gets out of the car.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." I give her a long kiss and she gets back in her car. She drives off and I walk back to the beach.

"Man you took forever."

"It was far away, like two, three miles." The guys nods and get their subs out. They give them to the girls and I look around for Alli.

"Where did Alli go?"

"She went looking for you." I nod and continue to eat my sub.

"Charles!" I turn and smile at Alli. I stand up to hug her but she pushes me away.

"Where the hell were you?!" I hold up the bag of subs and show her,

"I was getting dinner." She glares at me and takes a sub,

"You took that long?"

"It was far away." Danny says behind me. She rolls her eyes and walks over to the girls. I watch her then I sit back down.

"Ready to go?!" Travis yells as the sun sets. We all get up and grab the towels. I go over to Alli and walk next to her.

"Did you have fun at the beach?"

"I did but I would've had more fun if you were there." She hugs me and we continue to walk. We get on the bus and everyone sits in the back lounge.

"Let's watch a movie!" Hunter suggests and we all agree.

"I'm going to the bathroom!" I stand up and get off the bus followed by a few others. I do my business and leave the bathroom. I see Alli coming out looking angry,

"Charles Paul explain this!" She shows me my phone and I feel my face becoming hot.


"Why did someone else text you?! What were you really doing?!" I look away from her and sigh,

"Alli it's not what it looks like."

"Then what is it?! Cause to me it looks like you're cheating!!" She slams my phone on the ground and walks back inside. I follow her in and watch her grab her purse. She stops when she sees me but then starts walking away again.

I sit down in the back lounge and put my head in my hands. Lindsey and Jenny get up and follow Alli. Then Kristen gets up and runs outside. I look up to see all of the guys staring at me. I go into the bathroom to clean myself up.

I hear the bus door open and close a few times then never again. I walk out of the bathroom and see Alli sitting next to Kristen and Lindsey. I sit down next to Kristen then Danny comes in. He makes me scoot over so he can sit by Kristen.

I fucked up. I shouldn't of gone to see Allie... I wish we didn't come to Myrtle Beach. I wish my whole family wasn't here.

I pay more attention to Alli then the movie. She holds Kristen's hand and lays her head on Lindsey. I frown as I realize all the good memories I will lose because of this. After the movie ends I stand up and kiss Kristen on the forehead.

I walk to the bunk and sleep with the twins. I look at the text Allie sent me and sigh, this is the text that ruined it all. I throw my phone to the other side of the bunk and get out. I walk to the back lounge and smile at Alli and Kristen. I quietly whisper,

"I love you two so much." I leave the back lounge and get some Cheerios. I finally make my way back to my bunk to sleep. I kiss the twins foreheads and close my eyes. Why was I so stupid? I love my family, I love Alli. But do I love the new Allie more?

Have you heard Stone Walls?

It's the new We a The Kings song and it's bae.

I decided to do a flashback because it sounded fun

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