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Chapter 9
(Kristen's POV)
It's Monday morning and I wake up to Gavin kissing my head.
"Morning babe." I sit up and rub my eyes,
"Morning." I give him a kiss and I stand up.
He grabs my waist and hugs me.
"Stop, I need to get ready." I push his hands away and I go to my closet.
"What am I banned from loving on you?" He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck,
"Yes." I push him off again and get some clothes. I grab track shorts a t shirt and a sweatshirt.
I go into my bathroom and change. I put my hair in a ponytail and put a headband in.
I put on mascara and go to the kitchen. I rub my eyes and go over to the table. Before I sit Gavin runs to me and picks me up.
"Gavin, put me down." I say laughing.
I grab onto his neck and he holds me like a baby,
"Not until you give me a kiss." I smile and peck his lips,
"Put me down now." I kick my feet and he laughs.
"A real kiss." I sigh and grab his face and kiss him.
He puts me down and I smile at him. I sit down and he sits next to me,
"What do you want for breakfast?" I shrug and lay my head on the table.
"I think I'm going to leave early and get donuts." Gavin nods and stands up,
"I'll come with you." He kisses my lips and goes to change.
I slip my Chacos on and he comes out with my keys.
He throws them at me and we leave the house.
I get in the drivers seat and he gets in the passenger. Before we leave I text Charles, telling him I left.
I drive to Dunkin Donuts and go through drive thru.
I order two cinnamon and two blueberry for both Gavin and I.
I get the donuts and put them on Gavin's lap.
He hands me my blueberry and he eats his,
"What time is lunch?"
"12:30." He nods and I turn right onto campus.
"Are you driving my car home then back here? I eat lunch then I have one more class." He nods,
"I'll take the car and come to lunch then pick you up after your class."
"Ok, see you later." I lean over and kiss him. I grab my other donut and get out of the car.
I walk to class and finish my donut.
"Kristen!" I turn around and see Tyler, oh god.
"Hey." I smile and he pecks my lips.
"I need to talk to you." He nods and grabs my hand,
"You can tell me anything." He puts his other hand behind my head and kisses me. I pull away,
"I can't do this. I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend."
"Yea I know, it's me." He leans closer and I push him away,
"No it isn't you. I have a boyfriend and his name is Gavin." He let's go of my hand,
"You cheated on me?!" He shoves me and I fall to the ground,
"Actually I cheated on Gavin..." He kicks me and walks off. I rub my side and stand up.
"Motherfucker." I mumble under my breath.
I wipe my eyes and walk to class. I sit next to Autumn and rub my side.
"You ok?" I nod and take out my notebook.
"I'm fine." She sighs and starts writing things down.
Every time I move I feel a sharp pain in my left side. I wince at the pain and get up for lunch.
I walk to the dining hall and find Gavin. I go up to him and hug him. He lifts me up and I wince in pain.
He noticed because he quickly set me down,
"Are you ok?" I nod and he sighs,
"What's wrong?" I shake my head and sit down,
"I'm fine, don't worry about me."
I rub my side and he lifts up my shirt to reveal a huge bruise,
"How did that happen?" I quickly put my shirt down and panic.
I look around the whole dining hall till I spot Tyler.
"I told Tyler that I had a boyfriend... He shoved me to the ground and kicked me..." Gavin quickly pulls me into a hug.
"Are you ok?" I shake my head and grab his shirt. He lifts me up and he walks out of the dining hall.
He sets me down in front of the nurses office. I go in, followed by Gavin.
"May I have some ice?"
"Why do you need it?" I pull up my shirt to show the nurse my bruise.
"Oh dear, how did that happen?" I shake my head,
"Let's just say, football..." She nods and hands me an ice pack. I put it on my side and leave the nurses office. I lift up my sweatshirt and put it under it.
"Do you wanna stay for the rest of class?" I think about it and shake my head,
"No, it hurts to bad." He sighs and we walk back into the dining hall.
I get some food for both of us and we eat. Autumn comes to sit next to me and I smile,
"Autumn this is Gavin, Gavin this is Autumn." Gavin holds out his hand and Autumn shakes it,
"Wow you really are dating a Butler aren't you." I nod and laugh.
"Did you think I was lying?"
"Kind of..." Gavin laughs and kisses me,
"Well she isn't."
"If I never moved to LA I wouldn't be dating you. I would go to college and probably date Tyler or something." Gavin nods,
"That's true... That's weird to think about." I nod and we stop talking. Mason comes and sits by Autumn.
"Who's this Trippy?" He only knows about Tyler.
"This is my boyfriend..."
"So you're not dating Tyler?" I shake my head,
"Never was, never will." Mason laughs,
"What's his name? First and last."
"Gavin Butler." Mason looks at him and pulls out his phone,
"Gavin Butler as in Sontard...?" Gavin face turns red and he nods,
"Dude that's awesome! I watch your family vlogs." Autumn looks at me and laughs,
"This is the other side of him." I laugh and watch him talk to Gavin. He thinks he knows more than Gavin does about himself.
"Ok Mason let's go back to class." Autumn says standing up. She gives him and kiss and they leave.
I stand up with Gavin and we walk to my car. As I'm walking someone grabs my arm and yanks me backwards.
I fall to the ground and turn around to see Tyler.
Gavin rushes over to me and helps me stand up.
He holds me close to him and I look up at Tyler,
"What the fuck do you want?"
"Is this your boyfriend, Gavin?" I nod and look at Gavin.
"Oh he's so sweet, protecting you from a football player." I roll my eyes,
"Gavin, go to the car. Please." Gavin pulls me closer,
"No, I'm staying right here." He puts his hands on my shoulder and holds them.
"When he isn't here your going to get it." Tyler walks off and I turn to Gavin.
He hugs me and gives me a kiss.
"You'll be fine, I will protect you."
"No you won't because you can't..."
"What do you mean I can't?" I shake my head and get in the passenger seat. Gavin gets in the drivers seat and starts the car.
I look out the window and feel tears stinging my eyes.
I blink and let them fall. When we get home I get out and go to the kitchen.
"Kristen, your home early." My dad says and smiles at me.
I force a smile on my face,
"Yea, classes ended early today, our professors had meetings." I walk to my room and shortly after Gavin comes in.
"Why did you lie to your dad?"
"I didn't want him to know the truth."
"Well he probably knew something was up because your eyes are red and you have mascara on your face!"
"He didn't ask though!"
"Because he's trying to trust you Kristen. He couldn't before and now he's really trying! It's hard to trust someone when all they do is lie!"
"Can we please not fight Gavin? I'm not in the mood!" I leave my room and walk to the living room.
I hear my door slam shut and Gavin comes over to me,
"You need to tell your dad the truth." He says through gritted teeth. I sigh and pull away from him.
Charles comes out and looks at us both,
"You two ok?" Gavin shakes his head and moves me closer to my dad,
"She has something to tell you." I look down and lift up my shirt. Charles gasps and kneels down to see it.
"What happened?" I look at Gavin and he crosses his arms,
"I told Tyler about Gavin..."
"And that happened?! So school is still going on but you left?!"
"Because he threatened me! He told me when Gavin isn't around that he will get me back for cheating on him! I didn't even cheat on him! I cheated on Gavin for gods sake!" I put my head in my hands and cry.
Charles pulls me into a hug and I cry into his chest.
"You need to tell the head master or the football coach."
"No because then he will hurt me even more." I say into his chest.
He kisses my head and we let go.
"Tell someone when you go to school tomorrow." I nod and look at Gavin. He smiles and hugs me.
"Get an ice pack for your side, ok?" I nod and go get an ice pack.
Lindsey comes out and sees my mascara smeared face.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing..." I pull my sweatshirt up and put the ice pack on my side. I put the sweatshirt back down and Lindsey grabs my arm,
"What was that for?" I shake my head and wipe off my face.
Lindsey holds onto my arm,
"Look at me Kristen, are you ok?"
I stare at her in the eyes,
I have school tomorrow
I don't wanna go back to school
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