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Chapter 15

(Kristen's POV)

I quickly get up and hug her.

"Avery I missed you so much." We both let go and she smiles.

"Where's your little boy?" I point to the crib and she walks over.

"He's so big!" She lifts him up and sits on the couch.

I sit next to her and nod,

"He's gotten bigger."

She smiles at me and hands Noah to me,

"Why aren't you talking to your mom?" I quickly look down and shrug.

"How did you know?"

"She invited me because she knew I can get you to talk. Let's think back to how you got here, shall we?" I set Noah in his crib and pace around the room.

"I know I got here all because of her! I was eleven! I'm now eighteen! Things have changed!"

"Yes but you wouldn't have me, you wouldn't have loving parents, there would be no Noah in your life. You would only see Gavin through computer screens! This all happened because of Alli!"

"If your trying to get me to apologize to her, it's not happening!"

"I'm not! I just want you to talk to me, friend to friend."

"Well I don't wanna talk." I cross my arms and Avery stands up.

"Then I'll leave." I quickly stand up.

"Wait! I don't want you to go."

"Either we talk or I leave!"

I sit down and cross my arms.

"Let's talk." She takes the seat next to me and I look away,

"Kristen, I'm sorry for bringing this all up..."

"Don't, I'm glad someone wants to talk." I smile and she hugs me.

"Let's talk about seven years ago... I know you've changed but let's just think back. Do you remember how you met them?"

"I already told you the story... I don't wanna talk about it."

"I know, I just want you to tell it again, please."

I sigh,

"I-I got here because she saved me. Alli saved me from my moms boyfriend. If I was late to the show and I never went on stage, I-I could be dead... Along with my mom..."

"Alli saved your life. She's your mother figure... You need to treat her like she's been your mom for eighteen years, not just seven."

I continue to look down when I hear a knock at my door.

"Should I?" She nods and hugs me.

"Go. Tell her you love her." I stand up and walk to my door. I take a deep breath and open it.

Alli smiles at me and I quickly hug her.

"I love you." She seems a bit shocked but she hugs me back.

"I love you too Kristen." I don't let go of her as I cry into her shoulder. She rubs my back and kisses my head.

"It's ok, you're ok." I slowly push myself away from her and I smile.

"I'm sorry." She returns the smile,

"It's ok Kristen. You don't have to apologize." She hugs me again and walks off.

I turn around and smile at Avery.

"Thank you." She nods and I close my door.

"Do you feel better now?" I nod and laugh,

"I feel like weight has been lifted off my shoulders." She sits on my bed next to me.

"Should we go do something?" I shrug,

"I was going to hang with Gavin later, we can maybe go to the apartment?"

"Let's do a double date!!"

"You have a boyfriend?!" She laughs and nods,

"Yea, his name is Hunter." I smile and clap my hands,

"Let's do it then! How about tonight at five thirty."

"Let me make sure it's ok with Hunter, he plays baseball so his schedule is messed up." She goes on her phone to text him. I pull mine out to text Gavin,

'Wanna go on a double date with Avery and her boyfriend? It would be at 5:30 we don't know which restaurant yet.'

'Yea I can be there, see if that Italian restaurant is good with them.'

'Oh yes! I love that place!'

'Ok check with them and text me when you have everything set up.'

'Ok babe.'

I lock my phone and Avery smiles at me,

"Where going on a double date!!" I smile and hug her.

"Gavin was thinking the Italian restaurant, does that sound good?"

"That sounds perfect." I smile and text Gavin what we are doing.

In the mean time we figure out what we are going to wear.

"I'm going to leave Noah here with Alli."

"That sounds good." I nod.

"I'll be right back, I need to make sure it's ok with Alli." She nods and I run out of my room.

"Mom?" I ask, running down the stairs.

"Kitchen sweetheart!" She says and I run into the kitchen.

"What's up?"

"Well, Avery, Gavin, Hunter, and I are going on a double date, do you think you can watch Noah?" I ask, rocking back and forth on my heels.

"Sure sweetheart, I'd love too."

"Really? Thanks." I hug her and she kisses my head.

"You're welcome." I go back upstairs.

"I have someone to watch Noah!"

"Yay!" She laughs and we continue to look for something to wear. We are the same clothing size and shoe size which works out perfectly.

I pick out a strapless royal blue maxi dress. I put a black belt on to put it with my black sandals. Avery picks out a lilac maxi skirt and a white lace top. She puts it all together with a thin gold belt. She wears a pair of gold sandals.

We both put on light makeup and I curl my hair. I finish my look off with a waterfall braid. I help her curl her hair. She puts it in a messy bun a put a gold headband around her head.

"We have thirty minutes. Let's go pick up the boys."


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I'm going to make a polyvore account called @CTFxCShaytardslooks so you can see outfits.

Everyone download the polyvore app so you can see the outfits.

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