Chap. 39

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Chapter 39

(Kristen's POV)

- a week since last chapter -

I haven't talked to my mom in a week. I'm back with Gavin and we still fight. We fight about the stupidest things and it scares me.

"Kristen, want anything for lunch?"

"No I'm good." I walk over to Gavin whose in the kitchen and wrap my arms around his waist.

"How do you feel?" He asks and kisses my head.

"Fine." He faces me and moves my hair behind my ear.

"Are you sure?" I move away and lean on the counter across from Gavin.

"Yes I'm sure Gavin." I roll my eyes and sit up on the counter.

"You don't have to be sarcastic with me."

"Well you should know I'm telling the truth." I look away from Gavin and he comes to me.

"Stop acting like this! I'm trying to fix this and you should be too." He says in a low tone.

"I'm also trying to fix this and you asking stupid questions doesn't help!"

"You have a baby inside of you! I wanted to make sure you TWO were ok!"

"I'm not starting this again Gavin! This is the fifth time we fought and it isn't even lunchtime!"

"You are the one that started this!" I get off the counter and walk into our bedroom.

"What are you doing?" I shake my head and grab clothes to change into. Gavin stands in the doorway and watches me. I go into the bathroom and lock the door. I change my clothes and put light makeup on.

"Kristen, come out here, or unlock the door." He knocks on the door and I unlock it.

"It's unlocked." I roll my eyes and he comes in.

"Where are you going?" I shrug and close my makeup bag. I grab my phone and dial Avery's number.


"Avery, can you pick me up at the apartment?"

"I'm with Caleb right now."

"Just meet me at the apartment."

"Ok I'll be there in a second."


I disconnect the call and walk away from Gavin.

"So you're going to hang out with Avery?" I nod and slide my shoes on.

"Yep, you're watching Noah."

"Shocker." I roll my eyes and grab my purse.

"I'm not coming home either." I say before leaving. I close the door behind me and sit on the steps. The door opens a few minutes later and Gavin comes out.

"Get away."

"Kristen, why are you doing this? Why are you leaving?"

"I'm done with all of this fighting. We tried to take a break and it didn't work... I think we ne-"

"No Kristen, we aren't breaking up, not with what you're going through."

"We'll talk about this later, Avery's here." I stand up and kiss his cheek. He smiles at me and watches me go down the steps. I get in Avery's car and smile at her.

"Is it fine if we go to my apartment? Caleb has the day off." I nod and and she starts driving. I put my seatbelt on and get a text from Jason.

'Your mom wants to talk to you, can you come over later?'

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