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Chapter 37

Kristen's POV:

I've been at my moms house for almost a week. I've barely talked to Gavin since seeing him for lunch. I feel like we are over, like we ended it.

I walk downstairs fixing my beanie. I go into the kitchen and get some cereal. I hear the twins run down the steps and run into the kitchen.

"Hi Kristen!" Chaz says and hugs me.

"Hi Chaz." I hug him back and go to the table.

"Where's mom?"

"She went to the store, but Jason's here."

"Ok." I start eating the cereal and the twins get some themselves.

"How are you and Gavin?" Anna asks me.

"Not really sure, haven't talked to him in a while."

"You should talk to him." I continue eating and roll my eyes.

"I've tried Anna." She stands up and hugs me. The garage door opens and Alli comes in.

"Good morning Kristen." She smiles at me and sets bags down.

"Anna, I got you signed up for dance and Chaz do you want to play football or baseball?"

"Baseball!" Chaz smiles and puts his plate in the sink. I do the same and walk over to my mom.

"Thanks for letting me stay here." I hug her and she hugs me back.

"No problem." She kisses my head and I get a call on my phone. I pull away and check the. Caller I.D. 'Gavin'.


"Hey Kristen, I was wondering if you could take Noah for today. I'm helping out at Maker and I need someone to watch Noah."

"Of course, just drop him off at my moms house whenever."

"Ok, I'm on my way now. I'll come pick him up afterwards."

"Ok, see you soon."

I hang up and smile at my mom.

"Gavin's dropping Noah off." She nods and smiles at me.

"How do you feel?"

"What do you mean, how I feel with the baby or in general?"

"Both." I sit back down and put my chin in my hand.

"I guess I'm ok, I mean I miss him." She sits next to me and nods.

"You can talk to him when he drops Noah off." I nod and look at my phone.

"He's here." I stand up and walk to the door. I go outside and see Gavin getting Noah out.

"Hi Noah." He runs over to me and I lift him up.

"Hi Gavin."

"Hi Kristen." I set Noah down and hug him. He hugs me back and kisses my head. He backs away and runs his hand through his hair.

"I hate this Kristen. I hate all of this. I feel like we are divorced."

"And we aren't even married. I know Gavin, I hate this too."

"Do you want to to come home?" I look away from Gavin.

"Gavin I-I don't know... I love you though." I feel tears coming to my eyes and Gavin pulls me into a hug.

"When I come back to get Noah, I want you to come home with me, can you do that?"

"I don't know Gavin. I miss you but I don't want to fight."

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