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Chapter 24

(Kristen's POV)

Today is a sad day. Gavin has to leave for two years.

He's done his training in Utah and is leaving for South Africa.

He only has a few hours to visit us then he has to go. I've been staying in Idaho and I will most likely stay the full two years.

I slowly get out of the bed and walk downstairs. I rub my eyes and sit on the couch.

"Good morning Kristen."

"Good morning Colette." She sits next to me and hugs me.

"I'm so glad you were allowed to come up here."

"I'm glad too." She gets up and moved her hair out of her faces.

"I better make the kids breakfast, Gavin will be here in about four hours." I nod and turn on the tv.

One by one the kids come down the steps to eat breakfast, Avia is the first and Emmi is the last. They all walk into the kitchen rubbing their eyes. I follow them in and sit in Gavin's seat, which is next to Avia and Brock.

Shay brings out a huge plate of French toast and some watermelon. Colette pours our drink for us. We say the morning prayer and start eating.

During breakfast Colette, Shay and I get a text and we look at each other. I look down at my phone and read the text.

'Just getting on the plane, see you guys soon.'

We all look up at the same time and smile.

"Gavin will be here in about three hours." Colette says smiling. We continue to eat then we all go get ready. I go up to Gavin's room and find something to wear. I also find a onesie for Noah.

I change into a long sleeve shirt and my North Face sweatshirt. I put on jeans and my tall, dark brown Ugg boots. It's November which means two things, it's going to get cold, and Noah will be six months.

(If I'm right I said he was born June 18 not sure. That's his new birthday though)

In 16 days Noah will be six months. He's almost a year, I can't believe it. I put his long sleeve onesie on and slid little pants over that. I put on his little vest and socks on his feet.

I put on some makeup and put my hair in a bun. I pick up Noah and walk downstairs. I sit on the couch with him and Colette soon comes down and sits next to me.

"Nothing like LA weather, huh?"

"It's freezing up here, but it's beautiful." Colette nods and smiles at Noah.

"I'm going to steal that little boy from you."

"You can while Gavin's gone. I'll most likely be up here for the full two years."

"Well you'll have to go down for your dads wedding and when the baby's born."

"Besides that, I'm up here. I'll go down for a week when the baby's born, wedding rehearsal, the wedding and that's it."

"That's fine with me, you'll have to ask Shay though." I nod and continue to play with Noah.

Shay and the other kids come downstairs and find somewhere to sit.

"In about an hour we will start driving to the airport to pick up Gavin then we will have lunch go to the park or something then take Gavin back to the airport." Shay says to all of us.

"Shay, I have a question." I say. He turns towards me and smiles.

"Yes Kristen?"

"Do you mind if I stay here for the two years Gavin's gone? I kind of want to be with his side of the family." Shay looks at Colette then back at me.

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