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Chapter 30
(Kristen's POV)
I sit up as fast as I can which gives me a massive headache.
"W-what...? H-he had another s-seizure...?" My mom nods and comes over to me. She pulls me in a hug as I start to cry. She rubs my back and continues to hug me,
"He's going to be ok." I pull away from her,
"No he isn't! He's going to have to start up chemo again! I thought he was done!" I lay back down and sob into my hands. My mom rubs my leg and I hear Gavin come over.
"We have good news though." I take my hands away from my eyes and look at him,
"Good news...?"
"When you were sleeping the doctor told us you're allowed to go home." I give a small smile and Gavin hugs me. A nurse comes in to unhook me from all of the machines.
"Just have one of you sign the form and she will be out of here." My mom signs the form as Gavin helps me out of the bed. He grabs my clothes for me and helps me go to the bathroom.
"Do you need help changing?"
"No, I think a 20 year old can do it just fine." I smile and close the door, locking it. I change into my clothes and fold up the hospital gown.
I open the bathroom door and Gavin helps me walk back to the room to get my stuff.
He grabs my bag and my mom hands me my shoes.
"Are you going to see dad too?" She shakes her head.
"Allie's going to be in there, so you just go."
"Not Gavin either?"
"Nope, just you."
"If Allie's not in there, will you come?"
"She is in there Kristen." I nod and ask the receptionist what room he's in.
"Are you a family member?" I nod and she raises her eyebrow.
"Daughter." She nods and shows me to his room. She opens the door for me and I slowly walk in.
"Hi Kristen." I hear Allie say.
I look over in her direction but don't say hi back.
"Hi daddy." I walk over to him and hug him.
"I'm ok Kristen." Is all he says instead of hi.
"No you're not ok. You just had a seizure." I pull away from him and sit in a chair.
"Really? I didn't realize that."
"Shut up, I just got out of the hospital myself." He laughs and reaches for my hand.
"Just don't worry about me ok? You have a son and a new baby on the way, I'll be fine." He kisses my hand and smiles. I smile back and stand up. I walk over to Allie and hug her.
"I'm sorry."
"For what? You did nothing wrong." She rubs my back and kisses my head.
"When I yelled at you the day before I left, for taking my moms side when you guys fought. I'm just sorry for everything." I pull away from her and smile.
"Well I accept your apology, and I'm sorry." I close my eyes for a second to get rid of the headache. I guess I start wobbling since Allie grabs my hands. I open my eyes and she still has a hold of my hands.
"Take a seat." I nod and go sit next to my dad.
"You need to go to your moms house, get a good nights sleep with your son." I nod and hug him.
"Bye, I love you."
"Love you too." My dad says and I walk out of the room. I walk down the hall and find Gavin and my mom.
"Are you ready to go home?" I nod and Gavin's wraps an arm around my waist. I guess I am very unsteady when I walk since Gavin stays close to me.
"I can walk just fine on my own Gavin."
"I'm not letting you fall on my watch." I smile and he kisses my head.
"I love you, and baby number two." I smile and he helps me get in the back of the car.
I buckle myself in and he climbs in next to me. He buckles in and puts his hand on my thigh.
I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. I feel him kiss my head as I start falling asleep.
"Guess what."
"Huh?" I say just waking up.
"They got your stuff moved into the apartment, when you get better we can move you in." I smile and get out of the car, almost falling. I grab onto the car as Gavin quickly gets out.
"We just got home, don't be falling already." He wraps an arm around my waist and helps me walk inside. He sits me down on the couch and gives me a pill.
"This should help your head." He hands me a water and I take the pill.
"Thank you." He sits next to me and kisses my head.
"You can go rest and I can watch Noah."
"I want to see him first."
"He's out with Jason and Jackson." My mom says. She comes over and grabs my hand.
"Go take a nap." She says sternly and I sigh.
"Is my bed in my room?" She nods and laughs.
"We thought you would be fine sharing a bed with Gavin at the apartment." I nod and go upstairs slowly.
(Gavin's POV)
I watch Kristen go upstairs and relax a little bit.
"You can go upstairs with her if it makes you feel better." Alli says coming over to the couch.
"She should be ok." Alli turns on the tv and watches some show.
After a while the twins come through the door.
"Hi Gavin." Anna says sitting next to Alli.
"Hi Anna." Chaz grabs his bag and brings it over to Alli.
"Look mommy! I made this turkey."
"That's cool Chaz. Go grab a magnet and put it on the fridge, you too Anna." Anna jumps off the couch and they both run into the kitchen.
"Where's Kristen?" Anna asks me.
"Upstairs." Anna smiles and runs towards the stairs.
"Anna Claire Trippy, don't you dare bother your sister, she doesn't feel good." Anna sighs and sits on the couch.
"Gavin!" Kristen yells and I jump up. I run up the stairs and into her room, panicking. Alli follows behind me and I open the door,
"What's wrong? Are you ok?" She smiles when I come in and lifts her arms up.
"Carry me downstairs." I sigh with relief and laugh. I walk over to her and lift her up, hugging her.
"I thought you were hurt." She laughs and wraps her legs around my waist.
"Thank you, I don't want to fall down the steps." I kiss her cheek and hold her tight.
I get downstairs and set her down. She lays down on the couch and lifts her legs up to I can sit. I sit down and she puts her legs back down on my lap.
Alli comes to sit down and puts her hands on her hips.
"Sit up." Kristen reaches for me to grab her hand so I can pull her up. I grab her hands and pull her up. She smiles at me and waits for Alli to sit down. I let go of her hands and she lays her head on Alli's lap.
"Kristen, I don't want your bloody head on my lap."
"It's not bloody, it's wrapped in bandages." Alli grabs a pillow and puts it under Kristen's head.
"That's much more comfortable." Kristen smiles and messes with Alli's hair.
"If you didn't get hurt from hitting your head I would push you off my lap, you're worse than Jackson." Kristen laughs and braids her short brown hair.
"Kristen stop!"
"You can't yell, my head is killing me."
"Shut up, you shouldn't be messing with me if you don't want me to yell." Alli messes with her hair and Kristen laughs.
Alli looks at me and shakes her head.
"She's crazy." Kristen laughs and puts her hands on her chest.
"Allison Rose Speed, you are going to be Allison Rose Martin." Alli laughs and kisses her head.
"I don't know what's wrong with you, but it's funny." Kristen sits up then stands up.
"Where did the twins go?"
"Upstairs, just stay down here. I don't want you getting hurt." She nods and sits back down, now leaning on me.
"I love you." She smiles and kisses me.
"I love you too." Alli tosses me the pillow and I set it on my lap. Kristen lays down on the pillow and smiles at me.
"Anna! Chaz! Come downstairs please!" Kristen yells. Anna and Chaz come running down the steps and over to Kristen.
"Hi Kristen!" Chaz says and hugs her.
"Hi buddy." She smiles and kisses his head. She sits up and pulls Chaz into her lap.
"Has mom told you?"
(Kristen's POV)
"Has mom told you?"
I look at my mom and she shakes her head.
"Dad had a seizure today..." Chaz's jaw drops and tears fill his eyes.
I hug him and Anna looks at me then at my mom. My mom pulls her into her lap and hugs her.
"He's ok though. I saw him today and he is ok. He might have to start chemo again but he's ok." I say as I kiss Chaz's head.
"How about when he gets home we can go see him. Me you Anna and Gavin. Ok?" Chaz nods and rubs his nose.
"Don't worry about him, he's ok." My mom says and kisses Anna's head.
I hug Chaz a little longer then he gets down.
"I missed you." I say smiling.
"Missed you too." I wipe the tears away from his face.
He goes upstairs with Anna following.
"Anna come here." I grab her wrist and bring her over.
"Don't worry about him. Worry about yourself and get your school work done ok? I love you." I kiss her head and she smiles.
"I love you too." She hugs me then goes upstairs.
I lean back on the couch and lean into Gavin.
"Do you think I did the right thing?" I ask both of them.
"I would've liked your father to tell them but I'm glad you told them. You did the right thing." I find my camera and pull it out.
"Hey guys! I'm at home and I'm not in the hospital! Umm Gavin and I are sitting here with my mama." I turn the camera towards her and point my foot at her. She smiles and looks down at her phone. I turn the camera back towards me and Gavin.
"On a more serious note, I have something to tell you guys." I stand up and walk outside.
"So as you guys know, two years my dad had his last seizure, before Paisley was born. Today he had another seizure... We thought he was doing wonderful and that he was done, but it's back. We don't know if his tumors back and he might have to have another surgery, all we know right now is that chemo will start back up. Please send him your prayers and send Allie some prayers too. We never expected this to happen." I turn off the camera and realize I'm crying.
I take a deep breath and walk back inside. I wipe my eyes and walk over to the couch.
"Are you ok?" Gavin asks sitting up.
"I'm fine, just told the Internet about my dad." I sit down and lean into him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my bandaged head.
"You know I'm not going to your dads house with you."
"I know, I didn't say you were going." The door opens and Jackson and Noah come in.
"Noah come here." My mom says and I hear him run over. He stops and gasps,
"Mommy!" I sit up and hug him.
"He buddy, I missed you."
"I missed you too!" He lets go of me and goes over to Gavin.
"Hi daddy." Gavin kisses his head and gives him a hug.
Noah sits in my lap and messes with my hands.
"I love you Noah."
"Love you too mommy." I kiss his head and Jason comes in.
"Hi Kristen, glad to see you back." I turn around and smile.
"Glad to be back." He smiles and Jackson comes into the living room.
"Hi sissy!" He gets onto the couch and hugs me.
"Hi bud." I hug him and rubs Noah's hand.
"Are to tired Noah?" I ask as he yawns. He nods and turns towards me.
"I want a nap."
"Ok, let daddy take you up."
"No. I want you to take me up."
"I can't lift you right now buddy, I'm too sick." I kiss his head as Gavin lifts him up.
They walk upstairs and I look at my mom.
"What's wrong?" I shrug and look at the stairs.
"I feel useless." She lays her hand on mine,
"You're not, you're trying to get better. We don't want you hurting the baby."
"If it's still even alive."
"Kristen. Don't say that." I pull my hand away from hers and put my head in my hands.
She moves to be in front of me and grabs my wrists. She pulls my hands away from my face.
"Kristen, don't worry. Even if anything happens nobody's going to hate you."
"If I listened to you I wouldn't be in this position right now, I'm probably the reason dad had a seizure."
"Don't say that Kristen. Stop blaming things on yourself."
"I'm sorry, it's just what I do."
"You have to many things to worry about, that's not one of them." I look at my mom with tears in my eyes.

"Oh Kristen." She sits next to me and hugs me. She rubs my back and I hear Gavin come down the steps.

"Kristen, what happened?" I cry into my moms shoulder and she pulls away from me.

"Gavin I'm fine." I wipe my eyes and look at him. He raises his eyebrows and grabs my hand.


"I said I'm fine!" I stand up and walk upstairs, grasping the banister. I walk into my room and shut the door. I fall onto my bed and bury my face in my pillow.

I hear my door open and my bed moves.

"Kristen, did I upset you?" I shake my head but keep my head down.

"I'm sorry if I did, I love you." I sit up quickly and hug him, burying my face in his neck.

"What happened when I was putting Noah down?" I shake my head and feel myself starting to cry.

I pull away from him and wipe my eyes.

"I'm ok. I promise."

"That's a strong word, are you sure?" I smile and nod.

"I'm good." He hugs me and kisses my head.

I open my door and walk out of the room.

Gavin follows me and grabs my hand.

"If anything is wrong, tell me. Ok?" I nod and get downstairs.

He wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder.

"I love you." He kisses my cheek and let's go of me.

"Love you too." I give him a kiss and go into the kitchen.

"Want anything?" I ask Gavin.


"What do you want?"

"Just a Coke." I grab a can and hand it to him.

"Here you go."

"Thank you." I get a bag of Cheese-It's and sit next to him.

My phone vibrates right when I sit down, Gavin stands up and quickly runs over to it.

"It's Allie."

"Bring it over." He runs over to me and I quickly answer it.

"Hey, got any news?"

"Yes, good and bad."

"Uh oh, what's the bad news."

"Good news first, Charles can go home. Bad news..."

"What is it?"

"There is none!"



I got an iPad mini so as I type I am watching suite life of Zack and Cody.

It's so good

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