Chap. 66

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Chapter 66

(Kristen's POV)

"Ready to go home? Everyone else is already at the house." Gavin asks and I nod. Saylor is five days old today, she is so beautiful.

"Yeah, I'm ready whenever you are." I smile and kiss him. He takes Saylor from me as he helps me into the wheelchair. He hands her back and I smile.

"Got everything?"

"Yep, everything is already in the car, so let's go." He kisses my head and wheels me to the car.

"Want me to put her in?" He asks. I shake my head and slowly stand up, setting Saylor in her car seat. I buckle her up and kiss her head. Gavin helps me to the other side of the car so I can sit next to her.

"Excited to take her home?" He smiles and kisses me.

"Yes, I'm tired of the hospital." I laugh and kiss Saylors head. Gavin gets in the front and I turn on the camera.

"Okay guys we are on our way home! Gavin is chauffeuring Saylor and I home, everyone else is already at my parents house, including Noah."

"So far Saylor has been so good at night, way better than Noah." Gavin says and laughs.

"Yes, way better, plus we're way more experienced with Saylor than we were with Noah." I smile at the camera and check my phone.

"Oh and Avery is at the house so she gets to meet Saylor. Caleb got to come also so that should be fun." I say and then turn the camera off.

"Gavin, we have two kids." I state and he laughs.

"I know, isn't that crazy?" He asks and I smile.

"She's actually here." I say, starting to cry.

"Babe don't cry." Gavin looks back and reaches for my hand. I start crying more and he pulls into a shopping center and parks the car.

"Kristen, what's wrong?" He opens the back door and pulls me to him.

"I-I just can't believe she's here. W-we went through so much to have her here."

"Aw babe." He hugs me and kisses my head.

"I love you." I say, hugging him.

"I love you too." He smiles and gets out of the back seat.

"Are you okay now?" He asks and I nod. He gets in the front seat and turns the car back on. I look over at Saylor and rub her head.

"Are you ready to see your house Say?" I ask and kiss her head.

"Remember when Noah was that small?" Gavin asks and laughs.

"Some days I wish he still was this small."

"Why so he wouldn't run all over the place?"

"Exactly, he's just crazy and runs everywhere." I laugh and look down at my phone.

"The nursery's almost done in the apartment." Gavin says and I smile.

"Really? I can't wait to see it." I lock my phone and look out the window.

"Here we are!" Gavin says, holding the camera. I smile and get out of the car, going around to get Saylor.

Gavin helps me get her out and we walk to the door.

"Welcome home Saylor!" Everyone cheers and she starts crying. I laugh and kiss her head. I hug everyone and Avery smiles at me.

"Kristen she's gorgeous."

"Thank you." I hug Avery and smile at her.

"So you're five months, right?" I ask and she smiles.

"Yep, we get to know the gender next week."

"Do you really? That's amazing!" She laughs and Gavin comes up to me, kissing my cheek.

"Want me to take her?"

"If you want to, she might start crying again."

"That's okay, I love you." He takes Saylor and kisses me.

"I love you too." The doorbell rings and Chaz runs to the door.

"Kristen! Someone's here for you!" Chaz calls and I walk to the door.

"Danny! Lindsey! What the heck are you guys doing here?!" I laugh and hug both of them.

"Well, we heard you just had a kid, so we dropped by." Danny laughs and hugs me. They come inside and say hi to my parents.

"Where is little Saylor?" Danny asks and walks towards Gavin.

"Oh my gosh she's so cute!" Lindsey squeals and takes her from Gavin. She holds her and smiles at me.

"She's precious." I smile and my dad comes over.

"Hey guys, long time no see." He smiles and hugs them.

"Good to see you buddy." Danny says and hugs him. Gavin wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek.

"Oh, and this is for you guys." Danny smiles and hands us a bag. I open it and pull out a onesie and a few different bibs.

"Of course the bibs are for when she gets a little bit older but they were adorable so we had to buy them for her." Lindsey says and I smile.

"Well thank you, and you were right, they are adorable." I laugh and put them back in the bag.


"Babe! Can you get Saylor so I can feed her?" I call to Gavin. Noah moves in my lap and continues to sleep.

"Want me to take Noah?"

"No, I got it." I smile at him and hold Saylor.

"Hi baby. Are you hungry?" I ask and kiss her head.

"Are we going to your parents' place for dinner?"

"Yeah, it's going to be a huge family dinner. My family and your family."

"That will be fun." He smiles and sits next to me. He kisses my head and smiles at Saylor.

"She's so cute." He says and I smile at him, continuing to feed her.

"I didn't think this would ever happen, my children both on me, my amazing boyfriend by my side." He smiles and kisses me.

"I love you." He says smiling.

"I love you too."



So cute

Well, I have two more chapters planned for this book.

Then it's over!

I might be starting a new book but I will take a small break from this series.

I think I'll write a few chapters and then publish them one by one. But I need you guys to think of what the fourth book should be called.

I have a few ideas but I want you guys' input.

Well, Toodles!

College Life (a CTFxC fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon