Chap. 45

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Chapter 45

(Kristen's POV)

-Christmas with the Shaytards, year 2022-

"Wake up everybody! It's Christmas morning!" It was a long night for me. I stayed up for the annual Shaytards Christmas special. I come out of my room in the matching pajamas we were supposed to wear. I stand with Colette, Kayli, Carlie, Morgan and Laurie.

"How did you sleep last night?" Carlie asks.

"Great actually. Noah couldn't fall asleep though."

"Wanna put him with the boys?" I shake my head and look at Noah.

"He's falling back to sleep, I don't want to wake him up." Kayli smiles and looks over at Carl. We walk downstairs and I take my camera out to film the kids.

They line up to youngest in the front and oldest is the back. They all walk down the stairs and see all of the presents. Their stockings are filled with little gifts and candies. We all sit down and I take Noah's stocking.

"Noah, look. You have some toys." He slowly wakes up and smiles when he sees his stocking. I kiss his forehead and turn the camera on him.

"Don't open it yet ok buddy?" He nods and looks at everyone else. We wait till every kid gets to their stocking and they start opening.

"Open it Noah, see what's inside." He digs his hands into the stocking and pulls out a ton of toy cars and candies. He smiles up at me and looks over at Shay. He's filming the kids and turns the camera towards us.

"You like those toys Noah?" Shay asks and Noah nods. Noah hugs him and everyone else then comes back over to me.

"Kristen, here's one of Noah's presents." Colette says and hands me a present. He's the smallest so he got to open his first. My set my camera on the table to face Noah and he rips his present open.

"What is it Noah?" He smiles and shows me.

"Legos!!" I laugh and others start opening their presents. I film the entire thing then us adults open our presents.

"Here you go Kristen." Shay smiles and me a cube box. I tear the paper off the box and smile.

"Thank you so much, I needed a new one." I laugh and look at the new camera. I take it out of the box and look at it.

"I love it, thank you." I stand up and hug Shay.

"You're welcome." He kisses my head and I sit back down. We finish opening presents and I get a call from my dad. I stand up and walk out of the room.

"Hey, Merry Christmas."

"You too, how are you?"

"I'm good, we just finished opening presents."

"So did we, the twins liked the things you sent them."

"Good, I'm glad."

"You're still coming to the wedding, right?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Why did you ask?"

"I guess Alli hasn't called you yet."

"Wait, your Allie or my mom."

"You're mom."

"Oh thank god, I thought you meant your Allie, no she hasn't called me."

"Well we had a fight yesterday about me being accused of cheating on her--"

"But you did cheat."

"Not the point Kristen. Anyways, she got really mad and made Allie feel bad so I uninvited her to the wedding."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that dad... Do you want me to talk to her for you?"

"No, there's nothing I can do. I'll call you later."

"Ok bye dad, see you soon."

"Bye sweetheart."

I hang up and walk back into the living room.

"Who was that?" Shay asks.

"My dad, he called to tell me my mom was uninvited from the wedding..."

"What why?!" I shake my head and smile at Noah.

"I'll tell you later." Shay smiles and nods. I help Noah open his toys up and film him playing with them. I turn off my camera and stand up.

"Shay. Do you want to know the reason my dad called me?" I ask as I walk into his office.

"If you want to talk about it." I nod and sit down.

"My mom accused my dad he was a cheater and made Allie feel like it was all her fault but my dad told her it was my moms." Shay nods and clicks a pen open and closed.

"Are you ok?" I nod and smile at him.

"Yea, it's just I hate when they fight." He nods and stands up. I also stand up and I hug him.

"Thank you for letting me stay with your family."

"Of course, your apart of our family. I mean you had a kid with our son." We walk out of his office and see all of the kids opening presents.

We spend the rest of the day eating and talking about Gavin and funny memories.

I open up my new camera and charge it.

"Shay! Thank you for this camera! I love it so much." I hear him laugh from his office and I start filming.

"So for Christmas, Shay went all out and got me a new camera that is amazing. It focuses amazingly and it so much brighter. Hopefully a better future in the vlogging world for me." I laugh and shut my camera off.

I wanted to make a Christmas chapter before Christmas

And I did

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