Trial (32)

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Cosette found herself waking up extremely early the morning of the next full moon, anxious about what the day would hold for Harry. He was going to the Ministry of Magic for his hearing, and though they all knew that with Dumbledore's help, things would work themselves out, they all worried. Cosette was one of the few awake, the only others being Molly, Author, and Sirius. Harry had told her not to wake up on his account, but as she sat down at the table with him that morning, he realized that she wouldn't be taking no for an answer. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked her,  aware that the moon would be full that night. She looked okay, but perhaps it just hadn't kicked in yet. 

"Normal," She admitted, placing her mug down to sign the word. She didn't feel sick like she'd exected too, perhaps her body had enough the last full moon. "You?"

"Nervous," He responded hands barely lifting from the table. He was hoping that if he kept his movements small that she wouldn't notice the way he shook in anticipation. 

She must have, as she placed her hand over his with a warm and reassuring smile. Though her hands didn't move again, she assured him that is was going to be okay, and he believed her. It occurred to him that Cosette truly felt like a sister to him, as he could not have recieved that kind of simple support from anyone else. Her soft smile turned slightly wicked as she winked at him, an aura of confidence surrounding her that he had never seen before. Almost as if she knew something that he didn't. Before he could ask her about it, he was rushed out the door, already running later than they had hoped. 

What Harry didn't know was that though Cosette was only 17, she knew many people in the ministry through her job at the Bloom Bunker. People who's opinion could sway the minister, and who's descision could be swayed by her. While seeming innocent on the outside, the Bloom Bunker held many many secrets, and those secrets were passed down through Beths family and down to her, giving her access to  people of respect and power in the ministry, who allowed her to make Harry's case where she knew that the hearing he was going too wouldn't, if Fudge got his way. 

When Harry arrived at the ministry they were shocked to find that the time of the hearing had been moved, and he was rushed down through the department of mysterys to the room where he would be trialed. The hopeless feeling in his chest only worsened when it was clear that Fudge did not intend to let him speak a word in his defense, until Dumbledore arrived at last to speak on his behalf. When it was time for the court to come to a vote, a court that was obnoxiously large for the severity of his defence, he was shocked when well over half of the black cloaked officials being lead by a woman named Susan Bones, raised their hand in favor of clearing him off all charges. Even Dumbledore stared at the hands in surprise, not having expected half of those who voted to do so in Harrys favor, based on the knowlage he had of their opinions and motives. If Dumbledore had not researched each member who would be there, he would not have been surprised, but knowing what he did, it was a miricle to see so many people of different opionions come to the same descision. It raised a flag, concidering the current theory that Voldemort wanted Harry to be expelled. 

Cosette was not there when Harry arrived back, much to his disappointment. He wanted to ask her about how she was so confident that he would be okay, but as the celebrating started, he quickly forgot, tucking the question away to worry about later. He was happy that he would be able to continue going to Hogwarts and to learn magic with  his friends. If he had been expelled, he had no idea what he would have done next. 

She did not shift that night, much to her and everyone else releif. They still were not any closer to figuring out how to stablize the shifting that they were before, and she had bought them another month to do it. She was also conducing research of her own at work with Beth, the only other person she had been able to tell. She wanted desperatly to tell Darcy about the whole thing, knowing her friend would have just the right words to say, but she couldn't. Not with the death eaters hovering over her like she knew that they were.

She taught George the code that she and Darcy had made up over the next few weeks before they all headed back to school. It was important to her to still be able to speak to him about the werewolf situation, but she didn't want anyone to know about it or accidently read what she had written to him. It was clever, and very difficult to crack without the key. They made sure that not even magic could pick up on the pattern they created. It was mostly Darcys' doing, as she spent most of her time trapped in a mystery novel. They had no idea how much the code would come in handy until they all arrived at school to find that the ministry was keeping a much closer eye on the students than they expected, placing Doloras Umbridge into the defense against the dark arts teaching position.

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