Intro (1)

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"I got a teaching job at Hogwarts" was the first words out of her father's mouth when she opened the front door to her house to let him in. The news was exciting because it was hard for her father to get a job due to his lycanthropy.

"That's amazing, Remus!" Her mother, Lena, said, shutting the door behind him. He was dropping off their daughter to spend the second half of the summer with her mom. "But that doesn't mean that Cosette is transferring." 

The two of them groaned, jokingly, and laughed knowing that she would say that. Cosette Black-Lupin lived with her mother and had since she was two years old. That was because, at the time, the war with Voldemort was raging on, and her parents wanted to keep her safe- all three of them.

Even though Lena was her mom then, it wasn't always meant to be that way. Lena was meant to be a surrogate mother, to give birth to a child for Remus and his soulmate, Sirius Black. The word soulmate, in this case, is used literally. They both had unbreakable, unremovable, paw print necklaces to prove it, with the other's initials engraved into the back.

To have a soulmate, in those dark times, was a dangerous thing, because soulmates were extremely powerful when together, and therefore a threat to the dark lord. He wanted to kill every man, woman, and child that had a soulmate, which is why Sirius and Remus were in hiding, to begin with, but then their daughter was born that September and two hours later a necklace appeared around her neck, signifying that she herself had a soulmate. Carved into the back of her flat compass necklace encrusted with Diamonds and Sapphires were the initials G. F. W.

Part of the agreement between her three parents was that Lena would still be a part of Cosette's life, whether it be as her mom or her aunt or just a family friend. So, when things started getting really bad in the war, and their hiding place had become less safe, Lena took Cosette, quitting the Order of the Pheonix where she met Sirius and Remus, to take care of their daughter.

When the war ended, Lena found out through Remus, who showed up at her door in tears. He explained what happened, and knew that Sirius would never do something like what he was accused of, but couldn't prove it. She offered to keep Cosette because the original plan was for he and Sirius to keep her in the house they had bought before going into hiding. Remus excepted her offer, knowing that he couldn't take care of a child on his own, even with the bills being paid by Sirius through his Gringotts account. He was a werewolf, and no one wanted to hire a werewolf, especially then. Remus visited her every day he could, wishing that he could support her more and give her the things that her mom could. 

Lena didn't want Cosette to know who her other father was, but Remus did because while she was set on the fact Sirius did what he was accused of, Remus knew that he didn't. They compromised by deciding that she would know about Sirius, as long as she attended a school specifically catered to her accommodations-more so than Hogwarts.

Her accommodations being: she was deaf. Being deaf in the wizarding community was not as bad as in the muggle world, as it was seen much more often. There were many magical creatures and spells that affected hearing, which is why most schools had their teachers learn enough to accept the students in, as long as they could read lips well enough not to be taught in sign language. She lost her hearing when she was eight years old, so she remembered what it was like to speak and hear, making it easier to understand things.

"Wait," Lena said, just as Remus was about to walk out the door.

"Change your mind about her going to Hogwarts, Robins?" He asked her half-seriously, using her last name jokingly. 

"Yeah, I have," She said, turning the newspaper she was looking at to show him the front page article.

Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban.


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