Sweet (28)

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At dinner, everyone was surprised by how quickly Harry had been able to pick up sign language. He was angry with Ron and Hermione which meant that he focused mainly on speaking to Cosette, aware of how closely Remus and Sirius were watching them with smiles on their faces.  George sat on the side of Harry so that he and Cosette could sit face to face as they chatted about life at Grimuled. 

"How is it knowing that George is-" Harry started curiously, intending to ask about them being soulmates but being interrupted by George handing him a roll from the table. They were being watched so if Harry had said anything then the cat would have been out of the bag. With wide eyes, Harry shook his head, understanding by the look on George's face that the information was not common knowledge "-having the same feelings about you?"

"Amazing," She answered, shooting George a thankful smile as well as Harry for understanding. "He's been alright."

"Just alright?" He asked her with a pout.

"Alright was generous!" Fred butted in, turning to Cosette with a mischevious grin, "If you ever decide you want a real man-"

He wasn't able to finish because George already had gotten up and put him in a loose chokehold making them all laugh. It was then that they were asked to wrap up because soon they would have an order meeting and Cosette left the room with George by her side while everyone else stayed to argue about them knowing the information. Cosette didn't care about the meetings because it wasn't like she could eavesdrop as the others could, and while all the other people in the house were distracted, she and George could spend time alone because Fred would tell him anything he missed anyway. They were never able to get much information so it seemed pointless. That was until the boys created their extendable ears. 

No one ever questioned what the two did while they were trying to sneak information so they had no problem going up the stairs to Cosette's room where they closed the door behind them. Laying in bed was not something that they got to do often but something that they both really enjoyed. She gladly joined him under the blanket as he picked his book up from the nightstand and kissed her forehead happily with his arm around her.

Fred was the first one to give up that night, knowing that Ron would tell him if they found anything out and he and Ginny both went up the stairs to find their brother and Cosette. They joked about what the two could be doing and deciding whether or not to bother them or leave them to do it, assuming the worst, and stopped in their tracks when they made it near her room. They could hear George talking- his voice a low rumble from where they stood down the hall and behind the closed door- and couldn't imagine why he would be doing that. He had never had any trouble using sign language and so when he spoke to Cosette he didn't speak at the same time as many of them did. They couldn't remember a time when George actually spoke words to her ever, so the fact he was doing it when they were alone seemed odd.

They got closer, trying to hear what he was saying and when they did they were confused. It didn't make sense until they realized he was telling her a story. She couldn't hear it so why would he be doing it? They peaked into the room through the crack in the door to see Cosette under the blanket with her head on his shoulder and her eyes closed while George's face was hidden from them by the book he held up. He wasn't just telling her a story, he was reading her a book. 

"You aren't very quiet," George called out to them, "Apparently when I speak she can feel the vibrations and it makes her fall asleep so I read to her."

"That's cute," Ginny commented, not opening the door but speaking through it. "We gave up trying to listen in on the order so now we are looking for something to do."

They heard George moving around and peaked in again to see him out of the bed and tucking Cosette under the covers. He was lucky enough that the blanket had been the one to fall victim to her death grip and not his shirt and he was able to get up without waking her. He took one last look at her before heading to the door where Fred and Ginny both backed away when they noticed he was coming towards them.

"You're so sweet to her," Ginny said with a grin, making him stick his tongue out at her. She laughed and headed to her own room as they headed to theirs.

They stayed there for a while, wondering when Harry, Ron, and Hermione would head back up to their rooms after being given a very small amount of information. They were surprised that when a knock came on the door that it was Harry behind it and not one of their other siblings. 

"I thought you guys would want to know what they told us down there," He said awkwardly.

"You are still mad at the others and don't want to be around them, huh?" George asked kindly, leaning against the door. When Harry nodded sheepishly, George opened the door wide and made a wild gesture for him to come in. "Join us! We will tell you all about the new Weasley's Wizard Weazers, made possible by you."

George was glad that Harry had come to them. Cosette was his sister which made him a brother in a sense, and he wanted Harry to be comfortable with him for her sake. Harry knew of their relationship and what it meant, and he also knew how much George supported and trusted Cosette and that it was returned. If Cosette trusted him, Harry was going to trust him just as much. 

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