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Arthit clicked the door shut behind him, toeing off his shoes at the threshold and drags his feet inside his apartment which is looking like competing to get the best dumpyard award of the year. Clothes strewn here and there, papers and pen cluttered over the study table, food wrapers, take outs, empty cartons and pizza boxes littering the floor of living room, empty bottles of pink milk taking up the whole counter, hampers lying upside down, drawers pulled open all the way with ties peeking out of them....it was a relief that room freshner is still working. The senior dropped his side bag at the foot of the bed, throwing his haggered, bone tired body on the mattress. Instantly groaning at the way his body protested. Closing his eyes as the sheer exhaustion of whole week hits him. Sleep starts to invade his brain and no sooner he is dreaming of his sweet and caring boyfriend, sneaking kisses, sharing hugs, holding hands. How he longs for those stolen moments of bliss.

Kongpob is now a second year while Arthit is busy with his internship in his last year of college. It has only been two months since he joined Ocean Electrics as an intern. But it could have been two decades if asked to the senior. Two months were never this long for him.

 Days are hectic, tiring and gruelsome for the head hazer who has taken his first steps in the outer world. Getting scolded and belittled by his senior has become new reality of his everyday life. Sometimes, he just want to wave his mid finger to all those self proclaimed progenies which are nothing more than conceited assholes and bullies wearing expensive suits, throwing all those mean, crude and hurtful remarks coating them in sugar syrup..as if it can reduce the bitterness....and go straight to his boyfriend and rest in his warm embrace.

 Arthit who had managed to survive through all those hardships of living on its own, strict SOTUS System, criticism of juniors and seniors while being a head hazer himself...is finding it really hard to complete his internship. He is feeling like bawling his eyes out to Kongpob, curse all his seniors at work to his heart's fill and go out and get drunk with his friends. He is feeling immensly demotived, depressed, frustrated and dejected. He don't want to accept but he is feeling lonely for the very first time in his life. He had not felt this much desperate  even when he had left home for good.

Mother, Father... all are like a part of his past life and except occasional longing to see them once, he don't miss them that much. But....now he is feeling extremly lonely and empty. And he knows why. It is because he is missing Kongpob like crazy. He had not seen or met his boyfriend for two  months straight. Except one or two phone calls where he is either too busy with truckload of paperwork delegated to him to have a chat with his junior or would fall asleep after a simple I am fine. His only consolation is the texts Kongpob sends him each morning and every night and in between, asking about his well being, inquiring if he has eaten or not. But still, it's not the same. Kongpob has spoiled him way too much by showering him with all care and affection. If only his boyfriend had been here, Arthit would had thrown all his cautions and inhibitions out of the window and won't let the other go away from him for a moment. 

Ringggg!!!! Ringggg!!!!

Arthit squints his eyes, still drowsy from sleep, and reaches for his slacks' pocket fishing the mobile out. Not bothering to check the caller ID, he croaks into the phone," hello!"


Head hazer's eyes flew open at the melodious voice and instantly picks up himself in a sitting position, a bit disoriented," Kongpob!"

"Your voice....it sounds hoarse.. are you okay??", an involuntary smile comes up to play with Arthit's lips at the worried soft voice drifting over the phone line. 

"...I was..just getting some shut eyes. Where are you? At your dorm?", Arthit inquires as his doorbell rings, making him glance at the wall clock to find it  well past 10....huh!! I was sleeping for 2 hours!! doesn't feel like though...Arthit was in process of contemplating when again the doorbell ringed and he called over the phone," hold on kongpob! there is someone at the door"

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