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It has been a stressful week for Arthit. He got so many meetings to attend, documents to sign, contracts to be prepared for the celebrities and actors, as the launch of their new product is near. By end of Friday, he was this close to run away to Alaska so that he didn't need to sign any more papers or meet and talk sugary to those actors and actresses. One can imagine how frustrated and exhausted he would had been to think of going to such a cold place when he hates winter with his all.

After sleeping through the entire Saturday, he finally got his ass out of the bed, feeling more like a human after getting some sleep. Quickly freshening up, he gets changed into a simple t-shirt and joggers and reaches to the bakery house of his new neighborhood. After contemplating for a minute or two, he decides on a simple banana pancake, crispy fried donuts smeared and sprinkled with coconut. He was in between latte and frechino when he heard his name being called. Despite his heart's tinkering that the voice is familar and soft, he didn't paid any heed to warning signals of his brain and turns. I dreaming...again??...It's the very first thought of Arthit as he stares at the elder sitting before him. Showing off that perfect heart melting smile, gazing back at you with those big wide shiny dark brown eyes, giving an illusion that you means world to the other.

"Are...are you not eating?"


Arthit feels the same thumping in his left side at the lopsided grin aimed his way..yep! definitely dreaming...

Kongpob eyes his student who seems dazed with his unblinking stare. He can feel blood rushing to his cheeks and ears with the blatant ogling, thinking of the image being painted in younger one's mind at his lack of dressing. It was not as if he was foreseeing meeting any of his students after the new year party, a month ago. Like every weekend, he has come out to fill up his sugar supply, when he cme across the guy and without intending to, he called out for later on an instinct. He feels joyous watching one of his favourite student growing up in this handsome, successful person. Like he has accomplished something. The feeling is surreal.

"Would you like aaahhh!!!", Kongpob cries out in surprise as the younger guy pulled both his cheeks suddenly, taking him off guard.

Fuckkkk!!!! It's real. He is really here....freeing his hold, Arthit springs to his feet, siding the other man immediately and caresses the reddened cheeks.

"Am so sorry.. I really thought....nevermind...sorry. I apologise"

Kongpob frees himself of the caressing palms, gently pushing the other man out of his personal space," it's fine. Go to your seat"

Arthit nods stiffly, going back to his chair. Now that the bubble he has made to protect himself bursts open, all his guards are up. An unbearable ache stings his chest. To distract himself, he takes a long gulp of his coffee, burning his tongue in the process.


"What..what happened?? burnt your tongue?",Kongpob straightens in his seat, at the painful yelp.

"It's okay", Arthit replies, his voice detached.

Kongpob can sense the lack of emotion in the answer, stinging his heart. His own walls begins to fold up but as an elder, moreover, a teacher to later, he needed to make sure that other is okay and not severely injured. Taking his chair to his student, he sits beside him, opening the packed box of his goodies.

"Here. Take a bite. Frost icing would sooth the burn a bit"

Arthit stares at the elder, starting to get angry at later's behaviour. Pretending to be all caring when all he has done is hurt Arthit all those years. When he had run away like a coward, when his student needed him the most. Kongpob's cowardice has almost sent him to pits of hell if not for his friends.

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