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Arthit is nursing a half drink in his hand for half an hour, even the bartender is now giving him suspicious glances like other patrons as he is not only just sitting there ideally, neither ordering nor flirting, but is watching the couple few tables away like a stalker. But he can not ponder more over the issue as his subject of interest is now looking annoyed and frustrated.

He saw Kongpob, boyfriend of his best friend Sam, snatching phone from other's hand and like a break free car on its' way to crash, everything happened in blink of an eye. One moment Kongpob was looking at the phone screen and next Sam is getting dowsed with chilled water with his junior fuming like a volcano. Kongpob started to throw profanities at his boyfriend who was trying to placate the other.

Arthit hurries to the couple, his eyes not leaving Kongpob who now has tears streaming down his face saying something to Sam who is sporting a bored look.

...THE HECKK??? I thought Kongpob was going to propose Sam then what is he doing, throwing water on him, insulting him like that. ..

He nearly reached his best friend when he heard the next question of Kongpob which stopped him in his track.

" How many??? How many other times you lied to me to fuck somebody else??"

FUCKK!!! Sam cheated on Kongpob!!!

" Why are you making such an issue about it Kongpob?? It was just sex and you never said anything about being exclusive."

Arthit can not believe the stupidity of his best friend. is called relationship for a reason dude!!!... Apparently Kongpob thinks alike him when he hears next words of his junior.

" we were boyfriends for God's sake Sam. If that does not mean being exclusive then what else."

When Sam gave a blank stare, Arthit saw the moment the understanding dawned on kongpob because his eyes widen in horror as he covers his mouth,"O GOD!!! Don't tell me you were sleeping with others since we started going out???? Fuckkk!!!! You were having sex with others whenever you cancelled our plans giving excuses"

Sam like an asshole just shrugged, not looking a bit reproachful for his act. The whole cafeteria is glancing at Kongpob with pity but the situation worsens even more when a waiter places two trays on their table. One tray has a red velvet cake decorated with candles saying happy Anniversary and another tray covered in red cloth has a black square box neatly placed in the center.

Arthit didn't need to see inside the box as he was with Kongpob when other was packing it up. Hell, he is the one who selected the ring when Kongpob asked him to help him in choosing one. He raises his eyes to see his friend and saw how he has surprise written all over his face while Kongpob has wrapped his arms around himself..may be to protect himself...

" You..were going to propose??" Sam asked bewildered. He already knows that he had fucked up big time. He likes Kongpob. How can not he??? The young one is sweet, caring, sexy, kind and loyal to a fault. He likes, may be more than like Kongpob but he just love sex . But if he had even a slight inkling that Kongpob is that much serious of him, he would had tried his best to not sleep with others. He rushes to his boyfriend but Kongpob steps back.

" Kong..listen to me. I am sorry okay? I won't do it again. Let's forget all this and get engaged. This is what you want, ain't you??", Sam pulls the ring from the box and slids it in his ring finger.

" see?? It really fits me, thank you. Just give me chance, okay??" Sam shows his hand in which ring is shining now and Arthit can only face palms at the absurdity of his friend. He wants to strangle the other seeing how Kongpob has shrunked in himself.

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