Always and Forever

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A dim litted room, flower petals scattered all over the room, half burnt candles licking flames giving a pleasant and romantic aura. A dinner table set with different food items, desserts which have long gone cold with a sleeping figure half lying half sitting on the couch. The key jingled and door to the room opened with a tall handsome man who looked surprised seeing the dark room. Pressing the switch, the room brightens with milk white light gracing him with the decorations his husband has done. The young man slowly walks to the the asleep person and adores the cute face lost in dreamland.

Inserting one hand behind the knees while the other supporting the head, Arthit picks up his husband who just snuggles in his chest. Toeing the shoes off, he sits on the bed with his husband in his lap and feasts on the beautiful sight. He traces the thick eyebrows, black lashes, bridge of nose ending at the soft glossy lips which are slightly ajar. He could not believe that the person who is a constant in his daily dreams is in his arms. He had loved Kongpob before he even knows what love meant. He was four years old when Kongpob was born and he cradled the baby in his tiny arms. When the new born kid opened his butterscotch eyes, Arthit was a goner. That time he had not realised that the butterflies in his stomach, the giddy feeling he had everytime the growing baby gives a toothy smile, is love.

23 years - this long he has loved Kongpob and still fall for him more and more with each day. Finally the God had enough of his love sickness and bestowed him with the kind and warm hearted person. Looking at the scarlet delicates, he could not help but bent and press a chaste kiss to pouty lips.

Feeling the sensation of something pressed against his lips, Kongpob squints open his dark eyes and his lips stretches in a sleepy smile when he sees that the lips belongs to his husband. He wraps his arms around Arthit's neck and captures the lips in a passionate kiss.

It has been a month since they have married. Their marriage was a typical traditional arrange marriage set up by their parents. Despite being neighbours for all their life, Kongpob and Arthit were not very close with each other much to the elder' s dismay. Both have different schools, different group of friends, poles apart careers but still destiny binded them in crimson thread of trust and affection for life. In beginning of their marriage, things were really awkward, like two strangers have been put in one room. It was more difficult for Arthit to not able to convey his feelings, emotions to Kongpob despite being in same vicinity but gradually they become acquaintances, then friends and now lovers. Today was special as it is their first month anniversary.

Kongpob is not someone who likes to celebrates 1 month or 1 week anniversary but today is special for him. In the morning while cleaning up the closet he stumbled upon a box stashed deep under a mound of clothes. Curiosity gets better of him and he opened the pandora box and was surprised to see his belongings from different days and years.

There were shoes, bracelets eraser, pens, some cards which are addressed to him but never sent, his bright pink helmet tapped at the place where it is broken at the edges which for some reason Kongpob loved the most despite its girly style and had cried a lot when it was damaged, chocolate wrappers, some gifts wrapped in shining and colourful papers marking the date of Valentine's day and the most important a diary.

A black leather diary where his husband has recounted each and every moment of his life as well as the feelings, giddiness, he had felt over the years for him.

Kongpob felt like he was on cloud nine, he could not keep the grin off his face the whole day thinking that his husband has been in love with him for this long. He always knew that he feels something for his phee but after reading the diary he was sure that he has fallen in love with him, with Arthit, his husband. And decided to show him how much he love and trust him by taking the next step in their marriage.

SOTUS : NEXT STEPOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora