Burning the last bridge

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"Lights please"

The boardroom instantly baths in light, chasing the darkness away and a boardroom filled with directors and members comes in view. All of them are sitting around a long rectangular shaped, wooden table covered with white tablecloth. Each member has a mic installed in front of them, a dark black folder on their left side, along with a mini sized capped bottle of mineral water within easy reach.

Namtan descends the small stairs and makes her way to where the lecturn podium is. Tapping on the notebook screen, she clicks and the projector slide goes back to their topic of discussion. Lifting her head, she makes eye contact with all the present members before acknowledging them with a polite smile," So gentlemen, what's your take on this project? You can see that even though the project has a high risk factor, we can not deny the enormous profit which is a sure thing. Along with that, it would also be a plus for the image of our firm.

"But Ms. Namtan, the project would take atleast 2 years or so to complete and even though the profit estimations are good, what about the market fluctuations??", one of the director says in his mic.

Another director follows the same question," Yes Ms. Namtan. Mr. Xavier is right. We all have trust in you and Mr. R........

In center of the table is Arthit Rojanapat, all decked in his dark chocolate brown business suit. His features sharp as usual. Listening to his sister's speech and he must say that he is surprised and proud. He had always known that his sister is good when it comes to convincing people but no. Seeing her, standing tall and confident addressing all these influential and experienced people without getting intimidated, she is a bloody shark, like their father.

A solemn look crosses young man's face. He has not seen his father for last 8 years. He misses him....dad!! Bear some more. A little bit more. And then we all would be together like before...

Arthit breaks out of his thoughts when door to the boardroom bangs open with a loud noise. Namtan also stops talking as she takes in the person standing at the entrance. Her heart thuds, stomach drops in deep pit seeing the young man dressed in a white tee with an opened dark maroon hoodie and denims. His hair messy, falling all over his forehead. It has been years since she came across Kongpob...what is Kongpob doing here???...

Kongpob takes a deep breath and strides towards the only person he came to talk to. Overlooking how each and every member starts to get up from his chair as he passes them one after other. Out of respect or shock, he has not a single vague idea. He can hear the faint murmurings but ignored it. His sole attention is on Arthit who is stil very much perched in his chair, all comfortable, staring right back at him with a blank expression. A month ago, the look would had made him afraid but not today. Today is not about him. It is about his husband. About his dream. And Kongpob would be damned if he let Arthit desstroy the only thing which Jace is left with and also cherish the most in the whole world. He had seen how his husband had given his all, had sacrificed so much just so that his dream project could come true.

"Arthit, stop this right away."

The present members gasps
seeing how someone is talking in such an arduous manner to the CEO. Contrast to them, the requisite person just raises his right eyebrow, corner of his mouth tilting in a scornful smile," And why would I do that?"

"You promised Arthit! You promised that if I.....", Kongpob trails off, suddenly conscious of all prying eyes and ears.

"You what Mr. Suthilak?", Arthit mocks. Shifting in his seat, he signs to his assistant who comes around Kongpob, grabbing him by elbow," Sir, I would have to ask you to leave. Le-

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