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Arthit stares at the boy the right term when the other person is same age as him??..His eyes runs over the tall yet skinny frame of the other. The white shirt hanging off the bony shoulders like a ragsack. Paired with a black denim and white sneakers which somehow looks brand new in contrast to the threadbare shirt....why is he dressed like a beggar??..He compares the present image of the person standing before him to the past one and finds the stark difference a bit alarming...what happened to once prim and proper prince??...

How can I share my room with him mom?? Daaaddd!!!! Say something to mom!! I don't even know the guy????"

Arthit hears the whining and shakes his head, before picking up his bag. He don't want to be at a place where he is not welcomed. He can easily go to Knot's parents. He walks out in the living room and instantly the arguing voices ceases giving way to an awkward silence. The teenager gives a deep bow to the elderly couple, side glancing at the teenager standing with his back to him.

" I'll take my leave, Sir. I don't want to burden anyone"

Both elder looks surprised as well as embarrassed, realizing that their unexpected guest has heard them. The old woman wearing a deep green round collared floral print sundress, rushes towards Arthit," No no son! You don't need to go anywhere. You can stay with your Shirle uncle. Me and Kongpob will share the bed.
"Yes yes Arthit. You don't need to go anywhere", the old man, wearing a half sleeves white gray t shirt with dark ocean blue lines and cargo shorts, insists. But Arthit kept quiet, glancing at the boy dressed in a baby pink night silk pajamas.

The old couple do not missed the gesture and understood the root cause of the little guy's reluctance to stay with them.
Fiona Suthilak takes hold of the creamy white and buttery soft hands, mustering all her sincerity as she talks, fixing her eyes at the teenager," sorry about him. He is just throwing a tantrum coz we had not given him permission for the night out with his friends. He is being a spoiled brat"

"Mooommm!!", Kongpob stomps his feet, puffing out his lips at his mother's declaration. His cheeks turns red in shame as he glances at the strange could mom say that in front of some outsider??...

"What?",Fiona asks, crossing her arms against her chest. " you sulking like a kid, being adamant to not share your room with your new friend...what should I call you then, if not a brat? Huh?..because of you, Arthit doesn't want to stay here"

Kongpob remains quiet at the scolding, but anyone can see how his eyes has started to water. Arthit sighs internally. He has no intention of making anybody cry because of him. He slings the strap of his messenger over his shoulder," it's fine Mrs Suthilak. Don't scold him. I can understand his reasoning. So, don't worry about me. I have a friend here. I can stay at his place. Good day"
"No no son. You don't need to look for any place else. Take my room as yours till your gets complete", Fiona insists. Her eyes pleading with sincerity.

"It's fine, real-

"He can stay in mine!"


"Young master, go and call Kongpob for dinner. The poor boy has not come out the whole day", Dora says, placing the dishes on the dining table. Arthit has his notebook and books opened on the glass table, his assignment almost finished. He gazes up in direction of the old woman, working as a cook and caretaker for her whole life.

"5 minutes auntie. I'll be done soon",the teenager calls out, speeding up his writing, yet managing to draw diamond like letters.

Dora shakes her head, habitual of other's last minute rush. Aware that orher would not budge till he got it finish, upturns the plates and covers the casserolw. Going back in the kitchen, she starts to prepare the warm milk for the kids alongside cleaning up the kitchen, giving it a through wipe out.

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