let's be stranger....

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"What are you doing here now???? Get your cheating ass fuck out of my house right away!", Chandwick yells. His face red in anger. Dressed in a plain half sleeves stripped grey t shirt and black jogger, the old man is staring back at the young man with a face full of hatred and disgust, making Kongpob feel so small, cheap and dirty. But he can't go back without meeting his husband for one last time so that he could apologise for all the hardships, Jace has to suffer due to him.

"Dad Please! Only once. Let me meet Jace. I promise I won't-

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU WHORE!!", Kongpob jumped back in fear, seeing how his father in law charged towards him. Stopping a few steps away.

"Fa..father  I-

"Don't you dare to call me father. After the shameless act you have pulled, you still had the audacity to show your face?? Did breaking trust of my son not enough?? That you came here to hurt him even more?? Go away before I, myself, would throw you -

"Dad Stop!"

Kongpob glances up at the gentle voice and his already guilt riddled heart burdens even more, seeing the condition of his husband. His voice caught up in his throat as he stands still, watching Jace making his way down. His husband has a beige full sleeves tee and black jogger on. White bandage covering his whole head, gesturing to the recent brain surgery later had gone through. But what is more staring is the hollow cheeks and sunken eyes with dark circles. With the way, once slim fit tee is hanging around the frame, it is no brainer that Jace has lost so much of his weight.

"Jace?? What are you doing here? You should rest in your room.", Chandwick rushes to his son, helping him to descend the stairs. Surgery of his son had gone well, because of timely operation but there are still some dizzy spells happening here and there.

As the father son makes it to the last stair of living room, Chandwick helps his son in sitting on the couch before he faces his son in law who is still rooted there. They are at the moment at his oldest house as the mansion they were living in earlier had been confiscated by the banks. This house is in name of Jace's dead mother and is the sole property left to them. But this small blue cottage with a small garden is more than enough for him and his son and is like a blessing bestowed to them by God in their hard time. The house is far away from the speedy life of Bangkok city, on the outskirts, far away from prying human population. After the leak of sex tape, it is the only safe haven left to his son where he would not be continuously subjected to the act of infidelity done by his husband.

"You are still here???", The old man strides towards Kongpob and grabs his wrist, starting towards the main door, dragging the young man away unhearing the pleas of his son in law.

"Once Jace!. Plz just once. I swear I would never show my face to you. Pls! pls listen to me..Jaaace!!", Kongpob keeps on begging, his eyes pinned to his husband who has his head bent low.

"Shutup shutup you-

"Dad!! Let him!", Chandwick stops in mid yelling hearing Jace, while Kongpob gives a watery smile, hastily wipes his tears and jerks his hand free from hold and hurries to his husbabd.

But before Kongpob could hug his husband, his running feet screeches to a halt, both his arms outstretched in air as Jace lifts his gaze filled with accusations and ocean deep sorrow and meets the brown pair of younger one. Like the accusation, broken trust, shattered relationship, betrayal, and grief was not enough, Kongpob finds the speck of something akin to hate in them and he skidded to a halt. Both his arms drop down his side. Awareness making its presence known that he has lost another beautiful relation of his life today.

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