chapter 56

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Shino sighed when she finally finished her latest work. She held it in front of her, observing. It should do the job. She looked up at the very happy baby floating in the air. Yuki was in her room, sitting on her bed and staring up at her baby brother. Her eyes were full of worry as he happily drifted in the air. She's a true older sister, that's for sure. Shino could only smile as she watched her. She ruffled her hair in reassurance.

"Don't worry too much, he's fine"

Yuki nodded with a weak smile. She would have to believe Shino. She wouldn't lie, would she? If she did Yuki would know. She could always detect a lie. One would think it would be a fun quirk to have. No one can lie to you. The truth is they can, you just always know when a lie is told. Knowing when someone is lying hurts more than she expected it to. As an orphan lies is all she's heard. Being able to tell that it was absolutely false didn't do her very good. Adults always lie. They lie to keep the children ignorant. It wasn't very fun.

"Alright" Shino crouched and jumped. She easily took hold of the baby boy and canceled his quirk upon contact, that way he did not slip out of her grip. The baby was then safely in her arms and as happy as ever. He likes to giggle. "You're a tricky one, aren't you Kaito? "

Shino shifted him and gently clasp her created bracelet around his tiny wrist. It was more or less plastic and harmless to him. He could bite on it if his gums start to inch and when he shook his hand there was a rattle. It was a perfect little bracelet that kept his quirk locked up, so he was literally grounded. The bracelet was the emerald green of his eyes.

"No more flying for you , little guy" Shino tickled him. He was an adorable kid. He couldn't crawl yet. He could sit on his own though. Shino hummed as she handed the baby over to his sister.

Yuki carefully held her brother as she followed after Shino. She was observing the bracelet she made him. It felt soft. As if it was one of the toys made for him to chew on when his gum itches.

"Can he bite this? "

"Yes. It's perfectly safe. Plus it taste like blueberries " Shino informed.

"Shino! " Ryuu came speeding down the hall. It was easy enough to learn of his target even before he tried to tackle Shino. All he ended up doing was clutching onto her when it didn't work. "Why are you so strong "

"You have the strenght of a five year old"

Ryuu grumbled and scaled Shino's body as if she was some type of tree or something. He placed himself on her back, still looking annoyed.

"I'll get you next time"


Shino made her way into the kitchen only to find Sora and Reichi raiding her cabinets and her fridge for snacks. They had a literal shopping cart that they were filling to the brim. Reichi was seated in the cart and was eating some gumi worms. He had that sleepy look on his face.

"Seriously, Sora? "

"Hey, we have company later. I'm just making sure the basement has enough snacks" he said as he munched on some potatoes chips.

Shino sighed and opened her fridge. Luckily they knew to leave her cake and milkshake in it's place. Sipping om her milkshake Shino noted that the bookworm of the siblings is mission. Yui is probably in the library with Momo or something. Someone else is missing. Shino was going to disregard Katsuki for the moment.

"Where Izuku? "She asked Sora.

He shrugged. "I think he's looking over your notes on quirks or something. "

That does sound like the boy. Oh well. He'll make himself known when he's ready. Shino decided she'll let everyone do their own thing. She was still standing in front of the fridge and grabbed the bottle of milk she stored in there for Kaito. She expertly increased the temperature in her hand until the milk was warm enough for the infant.

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