Valentines Day Surprise

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I figured since today is Valentines Day, I would write a story :D I wasnt planning on writing today but since I love yall so much i decided I would, so feel loved <3 Happy Valentines Day! Love ya!

-Bailee ;D


Mitch's POV

I sipped on my coffee as Kirstie sat across from me, talking on the phone. Although I enjoy Kirstie's company, I really missed my boyfriend Scott. Today's Valentines Day, and he's not even gonna be in town again until tomorrow. He's been out since about 3 days ago, on family buisness. It sucks, but at least I'm not completely alone, I've had Kirstie to keep me company. I don't even know what we're gonna do today, but hopefully it will take my mind off of missing Scott.

I snapped out of a daydream just in time to see that she hung up the phone and was taking a sip of her coffee. "Who were you talking to?"

"Oh, just Avi telling me 'Happy Valentine's Day', and just talking about random things." She said, her coffee cup still at her lips.

"Does he have any plans?" Kirstie lowered her cup to the table

"Well, he said he was out buying red roses and some chocolates, and he said something about a tux, so I guess he has something planned." She said, kind of bored sounding. I propped my head on my hand and sighed. "At least he has something planned for tonight."

"Yeah... I wish Jeremy wasn't out of town too..." Kirstie trailed off into a daydream, propping her head on her hand and gazing at the ceiling, her eyes far off and her mind elsewhere. I took another sip of my drink and stood up, getting her attention.

"So, where do you wanna go? Shopping?" I asked, not really wanting to go shopping, but not wanting to be home alone either. "Sure." She stood up and we both threw away our coffee cups and headed to the car. We drove in silence, both of us missing the people we loved most.


We got out of the movie theatre, laughing our asses off.

"I still can't believe you've never seen the Spongebob Movie, Kirs!" I said as we made our way to the car.

"It was so funny! I wish I had seen it sooner!" We wandered around the parking lot until we found our car. It was dark, and almost 11:30pm. Kirstie got a text from someone, put the phone away and got into her car. "Who was that?"

"Just Kevin." She buckled her seatbelt, smirking. "Am I taking you home now?

"Well, we had Starbucks, went shopping, ate dinner and saw a movie. I don't see anything else we could do, so yeah, take me home I guess." She must've noticed how bummed I was that I was going home to an empty house, so she just nodded silently and pulled out of the parking lot. 

Today was a good day though. I got to hang out with my best friend all day, which isn't bad, but I wish I could've spent it with Scott. I miss him, and I haven't talked to him all day. Every time I called, he didn't answer. He must have it on silent. I wish I could here his voice, hug him, feel his body against mine, feel his warmth and hear his heartbeat, and kiss him, and rub my hands through his hair, and....

"Um, Mitch!?" I glanced at Kirstie, who looked like she's been trying to get my attention for a while. "We're here."

"Oh." I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door to get out. "Thanks, and thanks for today! I'm glad we got to hang out today!" I said. "Your welcome!" I closed the door and headed toward my house.

"Hey Mitch!" She yelled. I turned around to see her window rolled down. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

"Happy Valentine's Day, Kirstie!" I yelled back. She rolled up her window and pulled out of my driveway. I turned toward my house and unlocked the door. I opened it to find the lights off and the house empty, as I expected. I switched on the light switch and what I found was a surprise. 

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